A Bahá'í Glossary
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Bahá'í Firsts - Ministry of Báb
This is a collection of the first time certain events occured within the Bábí and Bahá'í Faiths. Below are entries from the Bahá'í Chronology with the information about the "First" in bold. The full entries are listed to give context to the events.
• Istijlál 7 'Aẓamat 1 B.E.
• Yawm al-Khamīs 5 Jumādá al-ūlá
   A.H. 1260
• Wednesday* 22 May A.D. 1844
• Yom Chamishi 5 Sivan A.M. 5604

* After sunset = Thursday 23rd in the other three calendars.
Declaration of the Báb's Mission

Two hours and eleven minutes after sunset Siyyid 'Alí-Muḥammad makes His declaration to Mullá Ḥusayn-i-Bushrú'í.

First, the greatest, and mightiest of all books in the Bábí Dispensation
• Ráḥmat / Asmá' 1 B.E.
• Jumādá al-ākhirah / Sha'bān A.H. 1260
• Jul / Aug A.D.1844
• Tammuz / Elul A.M. 5604
The intention of the Báb is to introduce the new Revelation slowly so as not to cause estrangement. He instructed them to spread out and teach His Faith and to this end He assigned each one a special task, most often to their own native provinces. [BBRSM14-16, 36; SWB119, BBR2p36, DB92-4; MH82-6; SBBH1:19]
  • To Mullá Ḥusayn He had given the task of delivering a Tablet to Bahá'u'lláh in Ṭihrán and going to the court of the S̲h̲áh to apprise him of the Báb's cause. Mullá Ḥusayn is not able to gain access to the S̲h̲áh. [B48-57; BBRSM15; BKG32-3; CH22-3; DB85-87, 97; MH90-2, 102]
  • Mullá Ḥusayn carries to Ṭihrán a Tablet revealed by the Báb for Muḥammad S̲h̲áh. This is the first of a number of unsuccessful attempts to enlist his aid. [BBRSM20-1; MH102; SWB13]
  • Note: MH118-119 and DB127-128 indicate that Mullá Ḥusayn had been in Tehran "between the months of Jámádí and Rajab". The first day of Jámádí, 1260 corresponds to 18 June, and the last day of Rajab to 15 August, 1844.
  • See RB2:303, 'The Báb … sent Tablets to only two monarchs of His day — Muḥammad S̲h̲áh of Persia and Sultán 'Abdu'l-Majíd of Turkey.'
  • From S̲h̲íráz he journeys north to Iṣfahán where Mullá Ja'far, the sifter of wheat, is the first to embrace the Cause of the Báb in that city. Mullá Ḥusayn then travels to Kás̲h̲án, about 130 miles from Iṣfahán. He then goes to Qum, another 100 miles from Kás̲h̲án. After Qum he goes to Ṭihrán. [MH98-101, DB99]
  • See B53-6; DB104-7, MH104-110 for the delivery of the Báb's Tablet to Bahá'u'lláh. Mullá Ḥusayn does not meet Bahá'u'lláh on this occasion.
  • On receiving the Tablet of the Báb, Bahá'u'lláh accepts His Cause. He immediately journeys to Mázindarán, His native province, to promote the Cause of the Báb. He returns after the death of the S̲h̲ah in 1848 [BKG39-40; BW8:782; DB109; TN35, SoB6, BPP45, 48, SoG4]
  • Mullá Ḥusayn leaves for K̲h̲urásán, as he had been instructed, winning supporters for the Báb's Cause while there he writes to the Báb regarding these new believers and Bahá'u'lláh's immediate response to the Báb's Revelation. [B56, DB128-9, MH118]
  • See MH121-2 for a discussion of the speed of Mullá Ḥusayn's journey before the letter was dispatched to the Báb. It assumes that Mullá Ḥusayn departed after The Báb met with all the Letters of the Living (date not before 2 July, 1844.) In fact both Mullá Ḥusayn and Mullá 'Alíy-Basṭámí had been dispatched before this meeting. [DB85-86, 92, HotD46] .
First to embrace the Cause of the Báb in the city of Isfahán; first of a number of unsuccessful attempts to enlist aid of Muḥammad S̲h̲áh
• Jamál 11 Kamál 1 B.E.
• Yawm al-Aḥad 26 Rajab A.H. 1260
• Sunday 11 August A.D. 1844
• Yom Rishon 26 Av A.M.5604
The Báb sends Mullá 'Alíy-i-Basṭámí to Najaf and Karbalá to proclaim His Cause among the S̲h̲ayk̲h̲ís. In Najaf Mullá 'Alí delivers a letter from the Báb to S̲h̲ayk̲h̲ Muḥammad-Ḥasan Najafí, the leading S̲h̲í'í divine and the keeper of the shrines in Iraq. [BBRSM15; DB87-91; SBBH20-1, HotD46] First martyr of the Bábí Dispensation; first major challenge to Babism from a S̲h̲ayk̲h̲í leader
• Sulṭán 1 / Bahá 2 B.E.
• Muḥarram / Rabī' al-awwal
         A.H. 1261
• February / March A.D. 1845
• Shevat / Veadar A.M. 5605
The Báb returns to Bús̲h̲ihr. He sends Quddús to S̲h̲íráz with a letter addressed to His uncle Ḥájí Mírzá Siyyid 'Alí who embraces his Nephew's Cause, the first, after the Letters of the Living, to do so. The Báb also entrusts Quddús with a treatise for him entitled d̲h̲asá'il-i-Sab'ih ('the Seven Qualifications') and promises him his impending martyrdom. (He gave is life as one of the Seven Martyrs of Tehran, see 1850 19 or 20 Feb.) [B77-8; DB142-3; MS2]
  • B77 and GPB10 say the Báb arrived in Bús̲h̲ihr in February - March.
  • SSBH1p23 and BBRSM216 say 15 May, 1845.
  • Before leaving on pilgrimage the Báb had stated that He would return to Karbalá and asked His followers to congregate there. An explanation in part for the large following that have gathered there is the messianic expectation associated with the year 1261, a thousand years after the Twelfth Imám's disappearance in 260 A.H.. This gathering is perceived as a threat by the authorities. [BBRSM15, 45, 216; DB157-8; SBBH1p23, 32]
  • The Báb changes His plan to meet His followers in Karbalá and instructs them to go to Iṣfahán instead. A number abandon Him, regarding this as badá', 'alteration of divine will'. [BBRSM16; DB158; MH125; SBBH23]
  • Some speculate that He did not go to Karbalá to avoid conflict and sedition. Many Bábís had gone to Karbalá armed in preparation for holy war, 'jihád'. [BBRSM21-2; SBBH1:23]
first to embrace the Cause after the Letters of the Living.
• Jalál 17 'Ilm 2 B.E.
• Yawm as-Sabt 1 Dhū al-Qa'dah
• Saturday 1 November A.D. 1845
• Yom Shabbat 1 Cheshvan A.M. 5606
The Times of London carries an item on the arrest and torture of Quddús, Mullá Ṣádiq-i-K̲h̲urásání, Mullá 'Alí-Akbar-i-Ardistání and Mullá Abú-Tálib in S̲h̲íráz in June. This is the first known printed reference to the Revelation. A similar article is reprinted on 19 November. [B76-7; BBR4, 69] First known published reference to The Báb.
• Qawl / S̲h̲araf 3 B.E.
• Dhū al-Ḥijjah A.H. 1262 / Muḥarram
   A.H. 1263
• December A.D. 1846
• Kislev / Tevet A.M. 5607
Mullá `Alíy-i-Bastámí dies in Istanbul naval dockyards. He is the first martyr of the Bábí Dispensation. First martyr of the Bábí Dispensation
• Kamál 16 Mulk 3 B.E.
• Yawm al-Ithnayn 15 Ṣafar A.H. 1263
• Monday 22 February A.D. 1847
• Yom Sheni 6 Adar A.M. 5607
Birth of Thornton Chase, designated the first American Bahá'í, in Springfield, Massachusetts. First American Bahá'í
• Bahá / `Izzat 4 B.E.
• Rabī' ath-thānī / Rajab A.H. 1263
• Spring / Summer A.D. 1847
• Nissan / Tishri A.M. 5607
Ṭáhirih's activities in Iraq so alarm some Bábís of Kázimayn that they agitate against her. Siyyid `Alí Bis̲h̲r writes to the Báb in Máh-Kú on their behalf. The Báb replies praising Ṭáhirih, causing the Kázimayn Bábís to withdraw from the Faith. [B 163]
  • Among those Ṭáhirih meets in Bag̲h̲dád is Ḥakím Masíḥ, a Jewish doctor who years later becomes the first Bahá'í of Jewish background. [B165]
  • Ṭáhirih is sent back to Persia by Najíb Pás̲h̲á. She is accompanied by a number of Bábís; they make a number of stops along the way, enrolling supporters for the Cause of the Báb. [B163-4; BBRSM216]
  • Ma'ani says Ṭáhirih left Bag̲h̲dád early in 1847.
  • In Kirand 1,200 people are reported to have volunteered to follow her. [B164; DB272; TN20]
  • B164 says the number is 12,000; DB272 says it was 1,200.
  • In Kirmáns̲h̲áh she is respectfully received by the `ulamá. [B164; DB272]
  • Ṭáhirih arrives in Hamadán. Her father has sent her brothers here to persuade her to return to her native city of Qazvín. She agrees on condition that she may remain in Hamadán long enough to tell people about the Báb. [B165; DB273]
  • MF180 says Ṭáhirih remained in Hamadán for two months.
First Bahá'í of Jewish background
• Kamál / Asmá' 4 B.E.
• c.  Sha'bān / Ramaḍān A.H. 1263
• c. August A.D. 1847
• c. Av / Elul A.M. 5607
Mullá Ḥusayn is residing in Mas̲h̲had, in K̲h̲urásán, where he has been since returning from S̲h̲íráz in 1845. The leader of a local rebellion wishes to enlist the Bábís on his side and seeks a meeting with Mullá Ḥusayn. To avoid entanglement in the affair, Mullá Ḥusayn decides to make a pilgrimage to Máh-Kú. [TB56; DB254-5; MH133-5]
  • As an act of piety, he makes the whole 1,200-mile journey on foot. Along the route he visits the Bábís and in Ṭihrán meets secretly with Bahá'u'lláh. No account of their interview survives. In Qazvín, Mullá Ḥusayn meets Ṭáhirih for the first time. [DB255; MH137]
First meeting of Mullá Ḥusayn and Ṭáhirih
• `Ilm / S̲h̲araf 4 B.E.
• Dhū al-Ḥijjah 1263 / Muḥarram
    A.H. 1264
• November / December A.D. 1847
• Cheshvan / Kislev A.M. 5607
Bahá'u'lláh, who is living in Ṭihrán, visits the detainees and gives them money. [BKG41; DB278-9; GPB68]

Mullá `Abdu'lláh confesses to the murder of Ḥájí Mullá Muḥammad Taqí and is helped to escape. [BKG41-2; DB278]

  • See BKG42 for why Bahá'u'lláh was thought to have engineered his escape. Bahá'u'lláh is imprisoned for a few days for having assisted in Mullá `Abdu'lláh's escape.
  • This was Bahá'u'lláh's first imprisonment. [BKG41; BW18:380; DB585]
  • Shayk̲h̲ Ṣáliḥ-i-Karímí, one of the imprisoned Bábís, is publicly executed in Ṭihrán.
  • He is the first to suffer martyrdom on Persian soil. His remains are interred in the courtyard of the shrine of the Imám-Zádih Zayd in Ṭihrán. [B166; BW18:380; DB280]
  • The remaining captives are returned to Qazvín. Ḥájí Asadu'lláh-i-Farhádí is secretly put to death in prison. Mullá Táhir-i-S̲h̲írází and Mullá Ibrahím-i-Maballátí are also put to death. [B166; BW18:380; DB280-3]
  • DB280-3 says `the rest of' the detainees were put to death by the relatives of Ḥájí Mullá Muḥammad Taqí.
First imprisonment of Bahá'u'lláh; first martyr on Persian soil
• last week in Kalimát 5 B.E.
• last week in Sha'bān A.H. 1264
• last week in July A.D. 1848
• last week in Tammuz A.M. 5608
The Báb arrives in Tabríz and is brought before a panel of which the 17-year-old Crown Prince Náṣiri'd-Dín Mírzá is the president. The Báb publicly makes His claim that He is the Qá'im. This claim has also been announced to those gathered at Badas̲h̲t. [B140-7; BBR157; BBRSM23, 216; BW18:380; DB314-20; GPB21-2; TN14]
  • This constitutes the formal declaration of His mission. [GPB22]
  • The purpose of the public forum is to force the Báb to recant His views; instead He takes control of the hearing and embarrasses the clergy. After considerable argument and discussion, they decide He is devoid of reason. [GPB22]
  • The Báb is bastinadoed. [B145; BBD44; DB320; GPB22; TN14-15] This is the first formal punishment He receives. [BBRSM20]
  • He is first attended by an Irish physician, Dr William Cormick, to ascertain His sanity and later to treat Him for a blow to the face that occurred during the bastinado. Cormick is the only Westerner to meet and converse with Him. [B145; BBR74-5, 497-8 DBXXXIL-XXXIII]
  • The clergy issue a fatwa or legal pronouncement against the Báb condemning Him to death for heresy, but to no purpose as the civil authorities are unwilling to take action against Him. [BBRSM19-20]
  • For an account of the life of Dr. William Cormick see Connections by Brendan McNamara.
First formal punishment of the Báb; first and only westerner to meet the Báb.
• Fidál 5 `Izzat 5 B.E.
• Yawm ath-Thulāthā' 13 Shawwāl
   A.H. 1264
• Tuesday 12 September A.D. 1848
• Yom Shlishi 14 Elul A.M.5608
The accession of Náṣiri'd-Dín S̲h̲áh at Tabríz. [BBR482]
  • He is 17 years old. [BBR158; GPB37]
  • He ruled from 1848 to 1 May 1896 when he was assassinated on the eve of his jubilee. [BBD168; BBR482]
  • The first four years of his reign were marked by the `fiercest and bloodiest of the persecutions of the religion of the Báb and Bahá'u'lláh'. During the whole of his reign there were `sporadic persecutions and, in at least some cases, he himself was directly responsible for the death of the martyrs'. [BBR157]
  • For the first time in the Faith's history the civil and ecclesiastical powers banded together in a systematic campaign against it, one that was to `culminate in the horrors experienced by Bahá'u'lláh in the Síyáh-C̲h̲ál' and `His subsequent banishment to Iraq'. [GPB37]
  • See BBRSM25 for an explanation of why the Bábí religion was a challenge to the secular regime.
  • See SB86 for a reason for Náṣiri'd-Dín S̲h̲áh's cruelty towards the Bábís and Bahá'ís.
  • See RB3:201 for an explanation of his lengthy reign.
  • He chose as his prime minister Mírzá Taqí K̲h̲án-i-Faráhání, known as a great reformer and a founder of modern Iran. [BBD221; BBR160]
  • It was not until the spring of 1849 that the new regime was in firm control.
First time the civil and ecclesiastical powers banded together in a systematic campaign against the Faith
• Kamál 11 `Aẓamat /
   Istiqlál 17 Núr 7 B.E.

• Yawm al-Aḥad 15 Rajab /
   Yawm as-Sabt 10 Sha'bān A.H. 1266
• Thursday 27 May / 21 June A.D.1850
• Yom Rishon 16 Sivan /
   Yom Shabbat 11 Tammuz A.M. 5610
First Nayríz upheaval.

Vahíd travels from Yazd towards S̲h̲íráz, eventually coming to Nayríz. He goes to the Mosque of Jum‘ih where he ascends the pulpit and proclaims the Cause of God. The Governor makes moves against him and Vahíd orders his companions to occupy the fort of K̲h̲ájih. The siege that follows lasts a month. [B178, 204–5; BBR109–13; BW18:381]

First Nayríz upheaval
• 'Idál 12 `Ilm 9 B.E.
• Yawm al-Arba'ā' 13 Muḥarram A.H. 1269
• Wednesday 27 October A.D. 1852
• Yom Reviʻi 14 Cheshvan A.M. 5613
The Bábí Faith is first mentioned in the 27 October 1852 volume of Magyar Hírlap (The Hungarian Newspaper), under the title „Persia műveltségi történetéhez" („To the History of Education in Persia") where Captain Von Goumoens, a captain of the Austrian army based in Tehran reports on the terrible events related to the persecution of Bahá'ís in Iran. [www.bahai.hu] First mention of the Faith in Hungary
• 10 B.E.
• A.H. 1269 or 1270
• A.D. 1853 or 1854
• A.M. 5613 or 5614
Birth of Mírzá Muḥammad-‘Alí, first son of Bahá'u'lláh and His second wife, Mahd-i-‘Ulyá. [CB 125] First son of Bahá'u'lláh and His second wife, Mahd-i-‘Ulyá; first year of Bahá'u'lláh's arrival Baghdád
• Kamál 19 Mashíyyat 12 B.E.
• Yawm al-Ithnayn 3 Ṣafar  A.H. 1272
• Monday 15 October A.D. 1855
• Yom Sheni 3 Cheshvan  A.M. 5616
Birth of Robert Turner, first black American Bahá'í.

See also:
Devil in the Details; Angel in the Patterns by Christopher Buck
Robert Turner, Slave by Birth, Freed by Lincoln, Enlightened by Faith by Christopher Buck
First black American Bahá'í
• 12 B.E. / 14 B.E.
• A.H. 1272 / A.H. 1274
• A.D. 1855 / A.D. 1856
• A.M. 5616 / A.M. 5618
Birth of Samadíyyih K̲h̲ánum, first daughter of Bahá'u'lláh and His second wife, Mahd-i-‘Ulyá. First daughter of Bahá'u'lláh and His second wife, Mahd-i-‘Ulyá
• 18 / 19 B.E.
• A.H. 1277 / A.H. 1278
• A.D. 1862
• A.M. 5621 / A.M. 5622
Bahá'u'lláh reveals The Kitáb-i-Íqán, ‘a comprehensive exposition of the nature and purpose of religion'. [BBD134, 162; BKG159; BBD134; BBRSM64–5; GPB138–9; RB1:158]

It is probably the first of Bahá'u'lláh's writings to appear in print
• 18 / 24 B.E.
• A.H. 1277 / A.H. 1284
• A.D. 1862 / 1868
• A.M. 5621 / A.M. 5622
Ḥájí Mírzá Muḥammad-‘Alí, a cousin of the Báb, lives in Shanghai during this period. This is the first record of a Bábí or Bahá'í living in China. [PH24]
  • From 1870 he lived in Hong Kong dealing as a merchant and was joined by his brother, Ḥájí Mírzá Muḥammad Ḥusayn. [PH24]
This is the first record of a Bábí or Bahá'í living in China.
• 'Idál 14 Jalál 20 B.E.
• Yawm al-Arba'ā' 3 Dhū al-Qa'dah  A.H. 1279
• Wednesday 22 April A.D. 1863
• Yom Reviʻi 3 Iyar  A.M. 5623
Thirty–one days after Naw-Rúz, which in this year falls on 22 March, Bahá'u'lláh leaves His house for the last time and walks to the Najíbíyyih Garden, afterwards known as the Garden of Ridván (Paradise). On this day Bahá'u'lláh declares His mission to a few of His disciples. [RB1:260, 262] On the same day Bahá'u'lláh makes three important statements to His followers:
  1. He forbids the use of the sword.
  2. He states that no other Manifestations will appear before one thousand years. This is later reiterated in the Kitáb-i-Badí‘ and in The Kitáb-i-Aqdas.
  3. He states that, as from this moment, all the names and attributes of God are manifested within all created things, implying the advent of a new Day. [RB1:278–80]
On the afternoon of Bahá'u'lláh's arrival at the Garden He reveals the Lawḥ-i-Ayyúb for Ḥájí Muḥammad-i-Taqíy-i-Nayrízí. [SA239] During the 12 days in the Ridván Garden Bahá'u'lláh confides to ‘Abdu'l-Bahá that He is ‘Him Whom God shall make manifest'. [CH82]
  • See CH82–3 for the effect of this announcement on ‘Abdu'l-Bahá.
For the first time, He wears a tall táj as a symbol of His station

This initiates the holy day of the First Day of Ridván, to be celebrated on 21 April

This marks the end of the dispensation of the Báb and of the first epoch of the Heroic or Apostolic Age of the Bahá'í dispensation
• Jalál 1 Masá'il 20 B.E.
• Yawm as-Sabt 1 Rajab  A.H. 1280
• Saturday 12 December A.D. 1863
• Yom Shabbat 2 Tevet  A.M. 5624
Bahá'u'lláh and His companions arrive in Adrianople. [BKG206; GPB161; RB2:62] First time in known history that a Manifestation of God had lived on the European continent
• probably near the middle of 20 B.E.
• probably near the middle of A.H. 1280
• probably near end of A.D. 1863
• probably near the beginning of A.M. 5624
Bahá'u'lláh reveals the Súriy-Mulúk (Súrih of Kings). [BKG245; GPB171–2; RB2:301-336]
  • This is described by Shoghi Effendi as ‘the most momentous Tablet revealed by Bahá'u'lláh', in which He, ‘for the first time, directs His words collectively to the entire company of the monarchs of East and West'. [GPB171]
  • See GPB172–5 and RB2:301–25 for a description of the content of the Tablet.
  • In The Bahá'í Faith 1844-1953: Information Statistical & Comparative p41 Shoghi Effendi dates this tablet as "1863". Given the intense activity of that year an assumption was made that it was revealed near the end of the year in either Constantinople or Adrianople.
Chronological list of significant events related to 
Bahá'u'lláh's historic pronouncement in the Súriy-i-Múlúk
Fall of the French Monarchy (1870) Virtual Extinction of the Pope's Temporal Sovereignty (1870) Assassination of Sultán 'Abdu'l-'Azíz (1876) Assassination of Násiri'd-Dín S̲h̲áh (1896) Overthrow of Sultán 'Abdu'l-Ḥamíd II (1909) Fall of the Portuguese Monarchy (1910) Fall of the Chinese Monarchy (1916) Fall of the Russian Monarchy (1917) Fall of the German Monarchy (1918) Fall of the Austrian Monarchy (1918) Fall of the Hungarian Monarchy (1918) Fall of the Turkish Monarchy (1922) Collapse of the Caliphate (1924) Fall of the Qájár Dynasty (1925) Fall of the Spanish Monarchy (1931) Fall of the Albanian Monarchy (1938) Fall of the Serbian Monarchy (1941) Fall of the Italian Monarchy (1946) Fall of the Bulgarian Monarchy (1946) Fall of the Rumanian Monarchy (1947)
[The Bahá'í Faith 1844-1953:
Information Statistical & Comparative
‘for the first time, directs His words collectively to the entire company of the monarchs of East and West'
• c. 21 B.E.
• c. A.H. 1280 / 1281
• c. A.D. 1865
• c. A.M. 5624 / 5625
French diplomat Joseph Comte de Gobineau publishes Religions et les Philosophies dans l'Asie Centrale, over half of which is devoted to a study of the Bábí movement. [BBR17]

Mírzá Kazem-Beg of St Petersburg University publishes Bab Babidy, the first Western book written entirely on the subject of the Bábí religion. [BBR26]

The first Western book written entirely on the subject of the Bábí religion
• 22 / 23 B.E.
• A.H. 1282 /1283
• A.D. 1866
• 5626 / 5627
Bahá'u'lláh reveals the Lawḥ-i-Bahá in honour of Khátún Ján, a believer and close friend of Ṭáhirih. [RB2:171, 179]
  • It was probably revealed just before He took up residence in the house of Ridá Big. [RB2:171]
  • This is the first Tablet in which Bahá'u'lláh uses the term ‘people of Bahá' to refer to His followers, to distinguish them from the ‘people of the Bayán'. [RB2:179]
First Tablet in which Bahá'u'lláh uses the term ‘people of Bahá'
• Asmá' 24 / Asmá' 25 B.E.
• Jumādá al-ūlá A.H. 1284 /
  Jumādá al-ūlá  A.H. 1285
• September A.D. 1867 / August A.D. 1868
• Elul A.M. 5627 / Elul A.M. 5628
In this period the extent of the Faith is enlarged, with expansion in the Caucasus, the establishment of the first Egyptian centre and the establishment of the Faith in Syria. [GPB176]

The greeting Alláh-u-Abhá' supersedes the Islamic salutation and is simultaneously adopted in Persia and Adrianople. [BKG250; GPB176]

The phrase ‘the people of the Bayán', which now denotes the followers of Mírzá Yaḥyá, is discarded and is supplanted by the term ‘the people of Bahá'. [BKG250; GBP176]

First Egyptian centre
• Asmá' 24 / Asmá' 25 B.E.
• Jumādá al-ūlá A.H. 1284 /
  Jumādá al-ūlá  A.H. 1285
• September A.D. 1867 / August A.D. 1868
• Elul A.M. 5627 / Elul A.M. 5628
Nabíl-i-A‘zam is dispatched to Iraq and Iran to inform the Bábís of the advent of Bahá'u'lláh. He is further instructed to perform the rites of pilgrimage on Bahá'u'lláh's behalf in the House of the Báb and the Most Great House in Baghdad. [BKG250; EB224; GPB176–7]
  • For details of his mission see EB224–7.
  • On hearing Nabíl's message, the wife of the Báb, K̲h̲adíjih-Bagum, immediately recognizes the station of Bahá'u'lláh. [EB225]
  • For the rites of the two pilgrimages performed by Nabíl see SA113–15. The first pilgrimages to the residence of Bahá'u'lláh take place. [GPB177]
The first pilgrimages to the residence of Bahá'u'lláh take place.
• Jamál / `Aẓamat 25 B.E.
• Muḥarram / Ṣafar A.H. 1285
• May A.D. 1868
• Iyar /Sivan A.M. 5628
Bahá'u'lláh sends Nabíl-i-A`zam to Cairo to enquire after Ḥájí Mírzá Haydar-`Alí. He is thrown into prison and befriends a Christian cellmate, Fáris Effendi, who soon becomes a Bahá'í. [BKG248, 265–6; EB268; GPB178]
  • See BKG265–8 for an account of Nabíl's arrest and imprisonment.
  • Fáris Effendi is probably the first Christian to become a Bahá'í. [RB3:10]
First Christian to become a Bahá'í
• c. Ráḥmat / Kalimát 25 B.E.
• c. Rabī' al-awwal / Rabī' ath-thānī 
        A.H. 1285
• c. July A.D. 1868
• c. Tammuz / Av A.M. 5628
Principal Bahá'ís in Bag̲h̲dád are arrested by the Turkish authorities and exiled to Mosul and other places. RB2:333 indicates this took place towards the end of Bahá'u'lláh's stay in Adrianople.[BBR265; BKG247; CH129–30; RB2:333]
  • About 70 people are exiled. [GPB178; RB2:334] Estimate given by Ḥájí Mirzá Haydar-;Alí is 80. (DOH12]
  • See BKG184 for an illustration of Mosul.
  • See BKG183 for a description of the city.
  • See RB2:334 for the hardships suffered by the exiles.
  • They remained in Mosul for some 20 years until Bahá'u'lláh advised the community to disband (1885-1886). Their hardship was lessened by generous contributions from the King of Martyrs and the Beloved of Martyrs. A charity fund was established, the first fund of that kind in any Bahá'í community. [RB2:334–6]
First charity fund in any Bahá'í community
• Jalál 17 Asmá' 25 B.E.
• Yawm as-Sabt 17 Jumādá al-ūlá
   A.H. 1285
• Saturday 5 September A.D. 1868
• Yom Shabbat 18 Elul A.M. 5628
Mírzá Yaḥyá arrives with his entire family but without a single disciple or even a servant. [BBR306]
  • Also exiled to Cyprus were four loyal Bahá'ís and they were:
      Mishkín-Qalam (Áqá Hussain Isfahání)
      Mirzá ‘Alíy-i-Sayyáh-i-Maraghih'í (Mullá Ádí-Guzal)
      Áqá ‘Abdu'l-Ghaffár
      Áqá Muḥammad-Báqir (Qahvih-chiy-i Mahallátí) (coffee-maker)
  • With their arrival Cyprus becomes the first island in the Mediterranean to receive the Faith.
  • See also GPB 182 and AB285, 523.
Cyprus becomes the first island in the Mediterranean to receive the Faith
• Late in the year 25 B.E.
• Late in the year A.H. 1285
• Early in the year A.D. 1869
• Early in the year A.M. 5629
Ḥájí Amín-i-Iláhí arrives in `Akká from Iran and is the first pilgrim to see Bahá'u'lláh. [DH33]
  • He is 'only able to do so in the public bath, where it had been arranged that he should see Bahá'u'lláh without approaching Him or giving any sign of recognition'. This is the bath of Al-Jazzár. [DH33; GBP817]
First pilgrim to see Bahá'u'lláh
• Jamál 8 `Aẓamat 178 B.E.
• Yawm al-Aḥad 11 Shawwāl  A.H. 1442
• Sunday 23 May A.D. 2021
• Yom Rishon 12 Sivan  A.M. 5781

The dedication of the first local Bahá’í House of Worship in Africa in Matunda Soy, Kenya. The project had been completed in under three years in difficult circumstances.

The ceremony was attended by some one hundred people including government officials, village and district chiefs, local dignitaries, representatives of local and national Bahá’í institutions, and other representatives of the construction team including Neda Samimi, the architect. The Universal House of Justice was represented by Townshend Lihanda, a member of the Continental Board of Counsellors in Africa who delivered this message on their behalf.

The previous day a small ornamental case containing dust from one of the Holy Shrines at the Bahá’í World Centre was placed within the structure of the House of Worship symbolizing the profound connection between the temple and the spiritual center of the Bahá’í Faith. [BWNS1511]

  • Photos.
      Location: Matunda Soy district in Kenya
      Foundation Stone: 23 March 2019 to 23 May 2021
      Construction Period: 28 February 2019 to
      Site Dedication: 23 May 2021
      Architect: Neda Samimi (The first woman whose design for a Baha’i House of Worship was selected.)
      Architectural firm: under the auspices of Archipoint Consulting Architects (Mr Alfred Mango, Architect)
      Seating: 250
      Land: The area was about 20 acres inclusive of the Lwanda Learning Site which occupies about 3 acres.
      Cost: (land and building)15m Kshs plus 152m Kshs (approximately US$1.5m)
      Dependencies: Existing buildings will be repurposed as educational facilities and as offices for the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Kenya.
      References: BWNS1251; BWNS1317; BWNS1473; BWNS1493; BWNS1511.
Neda Samimi, the first woman whose design for a Baha’i House of Worship was selected.
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