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Pronunciation: core-on
Redirected from: Koran
The sacred book of Islam, containing the collected revelations of Muḥammad.
The Qur'án comprises 114 chapters called 'Súrihs' or 'súras', each of which represents a single revelation. Shoghi Effendi urged the Bahá'ís to 'make a thorough study of the Qur'án as the knowledge of this Sacred Scripture is absolutely indispensable for every believer who wishes to adequately understand and intelligently read the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh.'7
[BD 191]
The Reading; That which ought to be read. The Book revealed by Muḥammad, and called by Bahá'u'lláh the "unerring Book." (GL 221). It is said to have 55 special titles, including The Firm Handle, The Rope and The Bayán.
[BG 41]
The Scripture of the Muḥammadans, written in the Arabic language.
[GWB 350]
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A Bahá'í Glossary