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55 Names of the Qur'án
Names of the Qur'an
  Transliterated Name Translation Quranic Reference
1. Kitab Scripture 43:2/44:2
2. Qur'an 56:77
3. Kalam Word 9:6
4. Nur Light 4:174
5. Huda Guidance 10:57/31:32
6. Rahma Mercy 10:57/10:58
7. Furqan The Criterion (of right and wrong) 25:1
8. Shifa' Healing 17:82
9. Maw'iza Exhortation 10:57
10. Dhikr Reminder 21:50
11. Karim Noble 56:77
12. 'Ali Sublime 43:41
13. Hikma Wisdom 54:5
14. Hakim Wise 10:2
15. Muhaiman Watcher (i.e., over the previous Scriptures) 5:48
16. Mubarak Blessed 38:30
17. Habl Cable (i.e., Allah's) 3:103
18. as-Sirat al-Mustaqim Straight Path 6:153
19. al-Qiyyam Straight 18:2
20. Fasl Conclusive 86:13
21. Naba' Azim The Awful Tidings 78:2
22. Ahsan al-Ḥadít̲h̲ The Fairest of Statements 39:23
23. Tanzil Revelation 26:192
24. Ruh Spirit 42:52
25. Wahy Inspiration 21:45
26. al-Mathani The Oft-Repeated (verses) 15:87
27. 'Arabi Arabic 39:28
28. Qawl Word 28:51
29. Basa'ir Clear Indications 45:20
30. Bayan Declaration 3:138
31. 'Ilm Knowledge 13:37
32. Ḥaqq True 3:62
33. al-Hadi Guide 17:9
34. 'Ajab Marvelous 72:1
35. Tadhkira Admonishment 74:54
36. al-'Urwa al-Wuthqa The Firm Hand-Hold 31:22
37. Mutashabih Consistent 39:23
38. Sidq The Truth 39:33
39. 'Adl Justice 6:115
40. Iman Faith 3:192
41. Amr Commandment 65:5
42. Bushra Good Tidings 27:2
43. Majid Glorious 85:21
44. Zabur Scripture 21:105
45. Mubin That which maketh plain 12:1
46. Bashir Good Tidings 41:4
47. Nadhir Warning 41:4
48. 'Aziz Unassailable 41:41
49. Balagh Clear Message 14:52
50. Qassas Narratives 12:3
51. Suhuf Leaves 80:13
52. Mukarrama Honored 80:13
53. Marfu'a Exalted 80:14
54. Mutahhara Purified 80:14
55. Qawl Word  
Islamic Research Foundation International, Inc. ]




  Name Translation Some Selected Relevant Verses From The Holy Qurān
1. Al-Kitāb The Book (2:1-2) (2:129) (2:151) (3:164) (4:127) (4:136) (6:114) (7:196) (11:1) (14:1) (15:1)(16:89) (18:1) (18:27) (19:16) (19:41)(19:51) (19:54) (29:45) (29:51) (35:29) (39:1) (39:2) (39:41) (40:1-2) (42:17) (43:1-2)
2. Mubīn Luminous (4:174/175) (5:15) (12:1-2) (27:1) (43:1-2)
3. Al-Qur’ān The Qur’ān (2:185) (4:82) (6:19) (7:204) (9:111) (10:37) (10:61) (15:87) (16: 98) (17:9) (17:78) (17:82) (17:88) (20:1-2) (20:113) (25:32) (27:6) (27:76) (27:92) (38:1) (39:27) (46:29) (50:1) (54:17) (55:1-2) (56:77) (59:21) (72:1-2) (73:4) (73:20)
4. Karīm Honourable, Noble (56:77)
5. KalāmAllāh The Word of Allāh (9:6)
6. Nūr Sacred Light (4:174/175) (7:157) (64:8)
7. Hudā Right Guidance (2:1-2) (2:97) (2:185) (3:138) (7:52) (7:203) (10:57) (16:89) (16:102) (27:77) (45:20)
8. Rahma Mercy (7:52) (16:64) (17:82) (27:77) (31:3)
9. Al-Furqān The Criterion of Judgement (2:185)(3:4) (25:1)
10. Shifā’ A Healing, A Cure (10:57) (17:82) (41:44)
11. Maw’iza Admonition (3:138) (10:57) (24:34)
12. Dhikr Remembrance, Reminder (3:58) (7:1-2) (12:104) (15:9) (16:44) (20:99)(21:24) (21:50) (36:11) (36:69) (41:41)(43:5)
13. Mubārak Blessed (6:92)(6:155) (21:50) (38:29)
14. ‘Alī Exalted (43:4)
15. Hikma Perfect Wisdom (54:5)
16. Hakīm Full of Wisdom (10:1) (31:1-2) (36:1-2) (43:4)
17. Muhaymin Guardian, Witness (5:48)
18. Musaddiq Confirming Scripture (2:91) (3:3) (5:48) (6:92) (35:31) (46:12) (46:30)
19. Hablillāh The rope of Allāh (3:103)
20. Sirāt u’l Mustaqīm The Straight Path (6:153)
21. Qayyim Straight Guidance (18:2)
22. Qawl Word of Allāh (28:51) (86:13)
23. Fasl Decisive (86:13)
24. Naba’un ‘Azīm Supreme Message (38:67) (78:1-2)
25. Ahsan u’l Hadīth The Best Message (39:23)
26. Mathānī Oft-repeated (39:23)
27. Mutashābih Consistent in itself (39:23)
28. Tanzīl The Final Revelation Sent by Allāh (2:4) (2:23) (3:84) (4:166) (5:83) (17:105)(17:106) (20:4) (26:192-194) (36:5) (41:1-2) (41:42) (56:80) (97:1)
29. Rūh The Book which gives life to faith (42:52)
30. Wahy The Final Revelation (4:163) (10:109) (21:45) (53:4)
31. ‘Arabī In Arabic (12:2) (13:37) (26:195) (41:3) (42:7) (43:3)
32. Basāir Eye-opening evidences (7:203) (45:20)
33. Bayān The Final Statement (3:138)
34. ‘Ilm Ultimate Knowledge (2:120) (2:145)
35. Ḥaqq Truth, True (3:62) (10:108) (13:1) (13:19) (28:53) (34:6) (35:31) (47:2) (57:16) (69:51)
36. Hādī Guide (17:9) (46:30) (72:2)
37. ‘Ajab Wonderful (72:1)
38. Tadhkira Admonition, Reminder (20:3) (69:48) (74:54)
39. ‘Urwatu’l Wuthqā The Firm Handhold (2:256)
40. Sidq Truth (39:32) (39:33)
41. ‘Adl Justice (6:115)
42. AmrAllāh The Commandment of Allāh (65:5)
43. Munādī Inviter to faith (3:193)
44. Bushrā Glad tidings (2:97) (16:102) (27:2) (46:12)
45. Majīd Glorious (50:1)(85:21-22)
46. Zabūr The Scripture (21:105)
47. Bashīr Herald of glad tidings (17:9) (41:4)
48. Nadhīr Warner (41:4)
49. ‘Azīz Mighty (41:41)
50. Balāgh Sufficient Message (14:52) (21:106)
51. Qasas Narratives (12:3)
52. Suhuf Scriptures (80:13) (98:2)
53. Mukarrama Honoured (80:13)
54. Marfūa Exalted (80:14)
55. Mutahhara Kept Pure (80:14) (98:2)
These Asmā ul Qurān were identified by Shaykh Abul Maāli ‘Azīzī bin AbdulMalik Rahmatullāhi ‘alayh in Al-Burhān (The Proof) and quoted by Shaykh ul Islām Jalāl ud Dīn ‘Abdu’rRahmān as-Suyūtī ash-Shafiī Rahmatullāhi alayh in Al-Itqān fī ‘Ulūm il Qurān (Mastery in the Knowledge of the Qur’ān), Vol.1, Dār un Nadwa al-Jadīda, Beirūt, p.50.
Other References
Imām Jalāl ud Dīn Muḥammad Ahmad al-Mahallī Rahmatullāhi ‘alayh and Imām Jalāl u’d Dīn ‘Abdu’rRahmān as-Suyūtī Rahmatullāhi alayh, Tafsīr Al-Qur’ān Al-‘Azīm (Commentary on the Qur’ān), Dār u’l Fikr, Beirūt, 1419/1998.
Translation of the Qur’ān by Professor Shah Farīdul Haque, Dār u’l ‘Ulūm Amjadia, Karāchi, 1988.
Muḥammad Fu’ād ‘Abdul Bāqi, Al-Mu’jam al-Mufahras li Alfāz Al-Qur’ān Al-Karīm (The Concordance of the Noble Qur’ān), Dār u’l Hadīth, Cairo, 1417/1996.
Key to the Arabic Transliteration
Compiled by:
Siddīq Osmān NoorMuḥammad
Jumādā al-Awwal 1423/July 2002
Toronto, Canada
Iqra Islamic Publications ]
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