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Sunní (also Sunnite)
Pronunciation: sonn-nee
The majority sect of Islam, which accepts the califs as the deputies of Muḥammad and heads of Islam, denying the authority to succession claimed by the hereditary Imáms.
[BD 216]
From Sunna (the Way of Practice of the Prophet, as reported in the ḥadít̲h̲). By far the largest sect of Islám, this includes the four so-called orthodox sects: Hanbalites, Hanafites, Malikites, Shafiites. These four principle schools of Muslim jurisprudence are founded to a considerable extent on the Sunna. Sunnites regard the first Caliphs as legitimate successors of Muḥammad and accept the "six authentic" books of tradition. They believe the Caliph must be elected and must be a member of the Qurays̲h̲--the Prophet's tribe.
[BG 49]
The larger and more powerful of the two great Islamic sects, represented by the Sulṭán, the outward and visible Defender of the Faith.
[GWB 351]
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A Bahá'í Glossary