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Pronunciation: bag-dod
The city in Iraq to which Bahá'u'lláh went when He was exiled from Persia in 1853 and where He lived until 1863, except for the period between 1854 and 1856 which He spent in the mountains of Sulamániyyih. It was just before His departure from Bag̲h̲dád, during the period now celebrated as the Festival of Riḍván (21 April-2 May), that Bahá'u'lláh declared Himself to be the One promised by the Báb. Among the Tablets and Books revealed by Bahá'u'lláh in Bag̲h̲dád are The Hidden Words, the Kitáb-i-Iqán, The Seven Valleys, The Four Valleys and the Tablet of the Holy Mariner.
[BD 33]
City where Bahá'u'lláh declared His Mission, to His companions, in 1863. Called by Him the City of God, and (prophetically) in the Qur'án the "Abode of Peace." (10:26; 6:127). (GPB 110).
[BG 11]
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A Bahá'í Glossary