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Bahá'í Chronology - The Ministry of Báb - 6 B.E. (A.D. 1849-1850)
< 5 B.E. | 7 B.E. >
[ 15 Articles ]
• Fidál 7 Bahá 6 B.E.
• Yawm ath-Thulāthā' 3 Jumādá al-ūlá
   A.H. 1265
• Tuesday 27 March A.D. 1849
• Yom Shlishi 4 Nissan A.M. 5609
Renewed forces under Mihdí-Qulí Mírzá encamp in the neighbourhood of the fort, build fortifications and begin to bombard the shrine. [BW18:381; DB390-3]
__________ __________
• c. Bahá 6 B.E.
• c. Jumādá al-ūlá A.H. 1265
• c. end March A.D. 1849
• c. Nissan A.M. 5609
The army continues to fire on the shrine for a few days. Mírzá Muḥammad-Báqir and 18 others attack the new fortifications and destroy some of them. [DB393-4]
__________ __________
• Bahá 6 B.E.
• Jumādá al-ūlá A.H. 1265
• early April A.D. 1849
• Nissan A.M. 5609
Sulaymán K̲h̲án-i-Afs̲h̲ar arrives with more troops. [BW18:381]
__________ __________
• Istijlál 18 Jalál 6 B.E.
• Yawm al-Khamīs 3 Jumādá al-ākhirah
   A.H. 1265
• Thursday 26 April A.D. 1849
• Yom Chamishi 4 Iyar A.M. 5609
A charge by the forces of Sulaymán K̲h̲án is repulsed by 37 Bábís led by Mírzá Muḥammad-Báqir. [BW18:381; DB3956]
  • A few days later some of the Bábís leave the fort on the promise of Mihdí-Qulí Mírzá that they will be returned to their homes. As soon as they are outside the fort they are put to death. [DB396-9]
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• 'Idál 12 Jamál 6 B.E.
• Yawm al-Arba'ā' 16 Jumādá al-ākhirah
   A.H. 1265
• Wednesday 9 May A.D. 1849
• Yom Reviʻi 17 Iyar A.M. 5609
Mihdí-Qulí Mírzá sends an emissary to the fort to invite two representatives to his camp to conduct negotiations. On the strength of assurances written on a Qur'án, Quddús leaves the fort and enters the Prince's camp. [B175; BW18:381; DB399-400]
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• Istijlál 13 Jamál 6 B.E.
• Yawm al-Khamīs 17 Jumādá al-ākhirah
   A.H. 1265
• Thursday 10 May A.D. 1849
• Yom Chamishi 18 Iyar A.M. 5609
The end of the siege of the fort at S̲h̲ayk̲h̲ Ṭabarsí. Two hundred and two Bábís are tricked into leaving the shrine. [BW18:381]
  • DB400 says they accompanied Quddús.
  • They are not conducted to their homes as promised but are set upon by the Prince's soldiers. Some are killed, others sold into slavery. The fortifications around the shrine are razed to the ground. [DB403-4; MH283]
  • See DB414-29 for a list of the martyrs of Ṭabarsí.
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• Istiqlál 14 Jamál 6 B.E.
• Yawm al-Jum'ah 18 Jumādá al-ākhirah
    A.H. 1265
• Friday 11 May A.D. 1849
• Yom Shishi 19 Iyar A.M. 5609
Quddús is taken to Bárfurús̲h̲ and handed over to the priests. [DB408]
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• 'Idál 19 Jamál 6 B.E.
• Yawm al-Arba'ā' 23 Jumādá al-ākhirah
   A.H. 1265
• Wednesday 16 May A.D. 1849
• Yom Reviʻi 24 Iyar A.M. 5609
Quddús is tortured and, in the public square, he is struck down with an axe, dismembered and burnt. [B176; BBD191; BW18:381; DB409-13; MH283-4]

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• `Aẓamat / Kalimát 6 B.E.
• Rajab / Sha'bān A.H. 1265
• June / July A.D. 1849
• Sivan / Tammuz A.M. 5609
The Báb, in prison in the castle of Chihríq, learns of the massacre at S̲h̲ayk̲h̲ Ṭabarsí and the martyrdom of Quddús. He is so overcome with grief that He is unable to write or dictate for a period of six months. [DB411, 430]
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• 'Idál 1 Kamál 6 B.E.
• Yawm al-Arba'ā' 12 Ramaḍān A.H. 1265
• Wednesday 1 August A.D. 1849
• Yom Reviʻi 13 Av A.M. 5609
Death of Ḥájí Mírzá Áqásí at Karbalá. [B147; BBD19; BBR156]
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• Kamál 4 Qawl6 B.E.
• Yawm al-Ithnayn 10 Muḥarram A.H. 1266
• Monday 26 November A.D. 1849
• Yom Sheni 11 Kislev A.M. 5610
The Báb sends Mullá ádí-Guzal to the graves of Quddús and Mullá Ḥusayn to make a pilgrimage on His behalf [DB431]
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• S̲h̲araf 6 B.E.
• late Ṣafar A.H. 1266
• early weeks A.D. 1850
• Tevet A.M. 5610
Vaḥíd clashes with the authorities in Yazd. He escapes and makes a missionary journey through Fárs. [B178-9; DB466-71; BBRSM28, 216]
  • B178 says this took place in the early weeks of 1850; B204-5 says Lt-Col Sheil reported it to London in February; BBRSM28, 216 says it was January or February; DB466 sets it at Naw-Rúz 1850 and DB468 says that the siege carried on for 40 days.
  • See BBR106-9 for the various dates assigned to this event and for the difficulties in dating it.
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• Fidál 16 S̲h̲araf 6 B.E.
• Yawm ath-Thulāthā' 27 Ṣafar A.H. 1266
• Tuesday 15 January A.D. 1850
• Yom Shlishi 2 Shevat A.M. 5610
Mullá ádí-Guzal arrives in Mázindarán and carries out the Báb's request. [DB432]
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• Istijlál 8 Mulk 6 B.E.
• Yawm al-Khamīs 1 Rabī' ath-thānī
   A.H. 1266
• Thursday 14 February A.D. 1850
• Yom Chamishi 2 Adar A.M. 5610
Fourteen Bábís are arrested as a result of the actions of an informer. [BBRSM28; BW18:381]
__________ __________
• Fidál 13 or 'Idál 14 Mulk 6 B.E.
• Yawm ath-Thulāthā' 6 or
   Yawm al-Arba'ā' 7 Rabī' ath-thānī
   A.H. 1266
• Tuesday 19 or Wednesday 20 February
   A.D. 1850
• Yom Shlishi 7 or Yom Reviʻi 8 Adar
   A.M. 5610
Martyrdom of the Seven Martyrs of Ṭihrán. Seven of the Bábís are executed in Ṭihrán on the false charge of having plotted to kill the Grand Vizier. [B182-5; BBD225; BBR100-5; BBRSM28, 216; BKG71; BW18:381; DB462; GPB47-8]

  • See BBD225, BBR100 and BW18:381 for a list of their names.
  • Three of the victims are so eager to be martyrs that they ask the executioner if they can be the first to die. [B183; BBD225; GPB47]
  • Their bodies are left in the public square for three days. [BBD225; GPB47]
  • See GPB478 for the chief features of the episode.
  • The martyrs are the 'Seven Goats' referred to in Islamic traditions that were to 'walk in front' of the promised Qá'im. [GPB47-8]
  • See B206-7 and BBR100-5 for the accounts of the event and responses of Prince Dolgorukov and Lt-Col Sheil.
[ABBC Online] [ABBC 45-47]
< 5 B.E. | 7 B.E. >
Most of the Gregorian Calendar dates, A.H. 1166 (A.D. 1753) to 153 B.E (A.D. 1996), are from the original book, A Basic Bahá'í Chronology. From 153 B.E (A.D. 1996) to present the Gregorian Calendar dates are from A Basic Bahá'í Chronology online. The Hebrew, Islamic and Bahá'í dates were calculated by the ABG staff and may be subject to error, despite the great care that was taken. When the Gregorian date is "In the year", "c. Mar 1797", etc., we list the nearest approximate Hebrew, Islamic and Bahá'í dates.
  • The dates in the left column do not always match the dates in the text. This is due to the plethora of calculations and calculators available. We use the calendar conversions from Calendar Home - Convert a date.
  • Continuous time periods, e.g., Monday thru Friday or June thru August, are annotated as Monday / Friday and June / August rather than Monday-Friday and June-August in all four calendars. This is to avoid confusion with Islamic days and months which contain a hyphen (or dash), e.g. Yawm ath-Thulatha', Jumadá al-akhirah.
  • Date Format = Day of the Week Name, Day of the Month Number, Month Name, Year Number -
  • c. = circa - meaning: "Around, round about, about. The prep. is often used in Eng. with dates, as circa 1400 (c 1400)." (Oxford English Dictionary)
  • Items with a greenish background are publications 
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© 156 - 181 B.E. (A.H. 1419 - 1445; A.D. 1999 - 2024; A.M. 5759 - 5784)
A Bahá'í Glossary