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1st Imám - 'Alí-ibn-i-Abí-Ṭálib
Pronunciation: alley-ebn-abee-taw-leb
Name Full / Kunya
Amir al-Mu'minin (Commander of the Faithful)
al-Mūrtazā (The Beloved)
Birinci Alí
Birth Date Birth Place Age when assumed Imámate Age at death Length of Imámate
Yawm ath-Thulāthā' 13 Rajab 21 BH
(Before Hijra)
Tuesday 15 September A.D.601
Mecca 33 (became Khalif at 56) 61 28
Death Date    Reason and Place of Death Burial Place
Yawm al-Khamīs 21 Ramadan A.H. 40
Thursday 28 January A.D. 661
Assassinated by Abd-al-Rahman ibn Muljam, a Kharijite, in Kufa, who slashed him with a poisoned sword while he was praying. Buried at the Imám Alí Mosque in Najaf, Iraq.
Cousin and son in law of Muḥammad. Considered by Shia Islam as the rightful Successor of Muḥammad. The Sunnis acknowledge him as the fourth Caliph. He holds a high position in almost all Sufi Muslim orders (Turuq); the members of these orders trace their lineage to Muḥammad through him.
Wikipedia - The Twelve Imáms ]
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A Bahá'í Glossary