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11th Imám - Ḥasan ibn Alí - Abu Muḥammad
Pronunciation: hass-san-ebn-a-lee ah-boo-moham-mad
Name Full / Kunya
Ḥasan ibn Alí Abu Muḥammad
al-Askari (The Citizen of a Garrison Town) Onbirinci Alí
Birth Date Birth Place Age when assumed Imámate Age at death Length of Imámate
232 A.H.
A.D. 846
Medina 22 28 6
Death Date    Reason and Place of Death Burial Place
260 A.H.
A.D. 874
According to Shia, he was poisoned on the
order of Caliph Al-Mu'tamid in Samarra, Iraq.
Buried in Al Askari Mosque in Samarra, Iraq.
For most of his life, the Abbasid Caliph, Al-Mu'tamid, placed restrictions on him after the death of his father. Repression of the Shiite population was particularly high at the time due to their large size and growing power.
Wikipedia - The Twelve Imáms ]
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