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Súrih of Kawthar
A súrih of the Qur'án. Muḥammad S̲h̲ah sent Siyyid Yaḥyáy-i-Dárábí, a prominent Muslim divine, to investigate the claim of the Báb. After two interviews with the Báb, Siyyid Yaḥyá determined to set a test for the Báb which he thought impossible: if the Báb, unasked, would reveal a commentary on the súrih which the Siyyid had in mind (the Súrih of Kawthar) in a style different from the commentators of the time, Siyyid Yaḥyá would accept the Báb's claim. When the Báb did so, Siyyid Yaḥyá, overwhelmed, immediately became a Bábí.
[BD 216]
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A Bahá'í Glossary