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Bahá'í Chronology - The Universal House of Justice - 137 B.E. (A.D. 1980-1981)
< 136 B.E. | 138 B.E. >
[ 22 Articles ]
• 137 B.E.
• A.H.
• April A.D. 1980
• A.M.
Eight Bahá'ís are arrested in Tabríz; five are released after signing an agreement not to take part in Bahá'í administrative activities. [BW18:256]
  • Two of the others, members of the local assembly, are put on trial and executed on 14 July 1982. [BW18:256]
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• 137 B.E.
• A.H.
• Riḍván A.D. 1980
• A.M.
The National Spiritual Assembly of Transkei is formed with its seat in Umtata. [BW18:107, 163]
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• 137 B.E.
• A.H.
• 2 May A.D. 1980
• A.M.
The Bahá'ís of India commemorate the centenary of the founding of the Bahá'í Faith in their country with a reception attended by about 400 guests, including the Minister of Foreign Affairs. [BW18:246–7]
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• 137 B.E.
• A.H.
• 2 May A.D. 1980
• A.M.
The first Bahá'í International Conference on Health and Healing is held in Ottawa, Canada, under the sponsorship of the Association for Bahá'í Studies. [BW 18:201]
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• 137 B.E.
• A.H.
• 14 July A.D. 1980
• A.M.
Two of the Bahá'ís arrested in Tabríz in April are executed. [BW18:256]
__________ __________
• 137 B.E.
• A.H.
• 27 July A.D. 1980
• A.M.
The death of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi in Cairo. (b.26 October, 1919 in Tehran).
  • Shah of Iran from 16 September, 1941 to 11 February. He came to power after an Anglo-Soviet invasion forced the abdication of his father, Reza Shah.
  • He had been diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia in April 1974 by the French haematologist Professor Jean Bernard, [David Owen]
  • He fled Iran on 17 January and flew to Aswan, Egypt where he was welcomed by President Anwar El-Sadat.
  • Later he lived in Marrakech, Moraocco as a guest of King Hassan II.
  • And then Paradise Island in the Bahamas,
  • then Cuernavace, Mexico, near Mexico City where his medical conditon deteriorated.
  • On the 22nd of October he flew New York for treatment in the Cornell Medical Center after President Carter relented. He was later taken to the Kelly Air Force Base in Texas and from there to the Wilford Hall Medical Center at Lackland Air Force Base.
  • He left the US on the 15th of December, 1979 and lived for a short time in Isla Contadora in Panama where he was taken in under American pressure. The new Iranian government made an attempt to extradite him.
  • In March, 1980 he returned to Egypt having been offered permanent asylum by President Anwar El-Sadat
  • The official cause of death was complications of Waldenström's macroglobulinemia (a type of non-Hodgkin lymphoma)
  • He was buried in the Al Rifa'i Mosque in Cairo, [Wiki]
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• 137 B.E.
• A.H.
• 29 July A.D. 1980
• A.M.
Adelbert Mühlschlegel, Hand of the Cause of God, passes away at his pioneer post in Athens, Greece. (b.16 June 1897) [BW18:613; VV52]
  • For his obituary see BW18:611–13.
  • Shoghi Effendi had appointed him among the second contingent on the 29th of February, 1952. [MoCxxiii]
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• 137 B.E.
• A.H.
• 13 August A.D. 1980
• A.M.
In a message the Universal House of Justice announced the publication of translations into English of "The Long Healing Prayer" and "Qad-Ihtaraqa'l-Muk̲h̲isún", the prayer commonly known as the "Fire Tablet". These tablets have subsequently been published in prayer books. [Messages63-86p455]
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• 137 B.E.
• A.H.
• 21 August A.D. 1980
• A.M.
The members of the National Spiritual Assembly of Iran are arrested; they disappear without trace and are presumed dead. [BW19:43, 235]
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• 137 B.E.
• A.H.
• September A.D. 1980
• A.M.
The European Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and the United Nations Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities adopt resolutions on the plight of the Bahá'ís in Iran. [BW19:38]
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• 137 B.E.
• A.H.
• September A.D. 1980
• A.M.
Building work begins on the Samoan House of Worship. [BW18:104]
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• 137 B.E.
• A.H.
• 24 September A.D. 1980
• A.M.
Universal House of Justice announces that additional land has been acquired in the south-western area of the Haram-i-Aqdas in exchange for some land near Nazareth. The acquisition of this new land permits the completion of the fourth quadrant. In addition, it is announced that nearly 50,000 square meters of agricultural land adjacent to and north of the Mazra'ih property has been acquired as a protection for the Mansion because this area is being developed rapidly. [BW18:99; DH122, Message from the Universal House of Justice 24 September, 1980]
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• 137 B.E.
• A.H.
• 17 October A.D. 1980
• A.M.
Leonora Armstrong, the ‘spiritual mother of South America' and the first Latin American pioneer, passes away in Bahia, Brazil. [BW18:738; VV32]
  • For her obituary see BW18:733–738.
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• 137 B.E.
• A.H.
• 26 October A.D. 1980
• A.M.
Publication by the Universal House of Justice of the compilation on Attendance at National Spiritual Assembly Meetings. [MUHJ63-86p404]
__________ __________
• 137 B.E.
• A.H.
• 3 November A.D. 1980
• A.M.
The Universal House of Justice announces that the zones of the Continental Boards of Counsellors will, from the Day of the Covenant of the year 137 (26 November 1980), be as follows:

1. Africa, comprising the areas of the four present zones of that continent.

2. The Americas, comprising the present zones of North, Central and South America.

3. Asia, comprising the present zones of Western, South Central and Southeastern Asia, together with the present zone of Northeastern Asia without the Hawaiian Islands and Micronesia.

4. Australasia, comprising the present zone of Australasia plus the Hawaiian Islands and Micronesia.

5. Europe. [Universal House of Justice Message 3 November, 1980]

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• 137 B.E.
• A.H.
• 20 November A.D. 1980
• A.M.
Abu'l-Qásim Faizí, Hand of the Cause of God, passes away in Haifa. (b.1906) [BW18:659; VV52]
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• 137 B.E.
• A.H.
• A.D. 1981
• A.M.
The Comunicación Intercambio y Radiodifusión Bahá'í para America Latina y el Caribe (CIRBAL) is established by the Universal House of Justice to promote the development of Bahá'í radio and mass media activities in Latin America. [BW19:59]
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• 137 B.E.
• A.H.
• A.D. 1981
• A.M.
The site of the House of the Báb, destroyed by a mob in 1979, is made into a road and public square. [BBD108]
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• 137 B.E.
• A.H.
• A.D. 1981
• A.M.
The National Assembly of Zaire is dissolved temporarily and three administrative committees are appointed in its place. [BW19:62, 147]
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• 137 B.E.
• A.H.
• A.D. 1981
• A.M.
The persecution of the Bahá'ís of Iran continues throughout the year. [BW18:92]
  • Forty–six Bahá'ís are executed and two assassinated. [BW18:292–3; BW19:230–1]
  • For pictures of the martyrs see BW18:295–305 and BW19:236–46.
  • For accounts of some of the martyrdoms see BW18:277–8, 281–4.
  • For excerpts from the wills of some of the martyrs see BW18:284–9.
  • For a list of resolutions adopted by the United Nations, regional bodies, national and provincial governments, and other actions taken, see BW18:92–6 and BW19:44–6.
  • For a list of the actions taken by the Bahá'í International Community, Bahá'í institutions and others see BW18:341–5, 417–20.
__________ __________
• 137 B.E.
• A.H.
• A.D. 1981
• A.M.
The publication of Der Bahā'ismus, Weltreligion der Zukunft?: Geschichte, Lehre und Organisation in Kritischer Anfrage (Bahá'ism-Religion of the Future? History, Doctrine and Organization: A Critical Inquiry) by Francesco Ficicchia under the auspices of the Central Office of the Protestant Church for Questions of Ideology in Germany. This book was distributed by the Protestant Church and became the most widespread book on the Bahá'í Faith in German, and as such was widely accepted as a critical academic publication. At the time of its distribution a decision was taken to not dignify the publication with a rebuttal. Making the Crooked Straight was published in 1995 in German and translated/published by George Ronald Publishers in 2000. The purpose of the book, as the name suggests address the distorted views presented in Ficicchia's publication. MCSintroduction.
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• 137 B.E.
• A.H.
• 1 January A.D. 1981
• A.M.
The European branch office of the Bahá'í International Community is established in Geneva. [BW19:33, VV54, BIC-History]
[ABBC Online] [ABBC #]
< 136 B.E. | 138 B.E. >
Most of the Gregorian Calendar dates, A.H. 1166 (A.D. 1753) to 153 B.E (A.D. 1996), are from the original book, A Basic Bahá'í Chronology. From 153 B.E (A.D. 1996) to present the Gregorian Calendar dates are from A Basic Bahá'í Chronology online. The Hebrew, Islamic and Bahá'í dates were calculated by the ABG staff and may be subject to error, despite the great care that was taken. When the Gregorian date is "In the year", "c. Mar 1797", etc., we list the nearest approximate Hebrew, Islamic and Bahá'í dates.
  • The dates in the left column do not always match the dates in the text. This is due to the plethora of calculations and calculators available. We use the calendar conversions from Calendar Home - Convert a date.
  • Continuous time periods, e.g., Monday thru Friday or June thru August, are annotated as Monday / Friday and June / August rather than Monday-Friday and June-August in all four calendars. This is to avoid confusion with Islamic days and months which contain a hyphen (or dash), e.g. Yawm ath-Thulatha', Jumadá al-akhirah.
  • Date Format = Day of the Week Name, Day of the Month Number, Month Name, Year Number -
  • c. = circa - meaning: "Around, round about, about. The prep. is often used in Eng. with dates, as circa 1400 (c 1400)." (Oxford English Dictionary)
  • Items with a greenish background are publications 
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© 156 - 181 B.E. (A.H. 1419 - 1445; A.D. 1999 - 2024; A.M. 5759 - 5784)
A Bahá'í Glossary