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Bahá'í Chronology - The Interregnum - 114 B.E. (A.D. 1957-1958)
< The Guardianship 114 B.E. | 115 B.E. >
[ 17 Articles ]
• 114 B.E.
• A.H.
• 10 November A.D. 1957
• A.M.
The Hands of the Cause meet in London. [TG157]
  • See SDSC191-195 and SDSC430 note 8 for excerpts from the transcript of the talk recorded in shorthand by Rose M Wade and given by Amatu'l-Bahá Rúhíyyih K̲h̲ánum to the gathered Hands and other friends.
__________ __________
• 114 B.E.
• A.H.
• 15 November A.D. 1957
• A.M.
Hands of the Cause Rúhíyyih K̲h̲ánum, Mason Remey, Amelia Collins and Leroy Ioas, accompanied by Hand of the Cause Ugo Giachery, enter the apartment of Shoghi Effendi and seal with tape and wax the safe where his important documents were kept as well as the drawers to his desk. [BW13:341]
  • The keys to the safe are placed in an envelope, which is sealed and signed by the five Hands and then placed in the safe of Leroy Ioas. BW13:341]
__________ __________
• 114 B.E.
• A.H.
• 18 / 25 November A.D. 1957
• A.M.
The first conclave of the Hands of the Cause of God is convened at Bahjí. Twenty-three Hands were present. [BBRSM128; DH215; MC8–11, TG158]
  • This is the first meeting of the Hands of the Cause as a group.
  • For a personal account of the Conclave by Hand of the Cause Zikrullah Khadem. see ZK119.
  • For the nature of the six Conclaves see MC9–10, 12.
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• 114 B.E.
• A.H.
• 18 November A.D. 1957
• A.M.
The Hands of the Cause conduct a memorial meeting for Shoghi Effendi in the Haram-i-Aqdas. [BW13:341; MC35]
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• 114 B.E.
• A.H.
• 19 November A.D. 1957
• A.M.
Nine Hands of the Cause are chosen by Rúhíyyih K̲h̲ánum to examine Shoghi Effendi's apartment. [BW 13:341]
  • These are the five members of the International Bahá'í Council (Rúhíyyih K̲h̲ánum, Mason Remey, Amelia Collins, Ugo Giachery and Leroy Ioas), an Afnán (Ḥasan Balyuzi), a representative of the Hands of the Western Hemisphere (Horace Holley), a representative of the Hands of the African continent (Músá Banání) and the Trustee of the Huqúqu'lláh (‘Alí Muḥammad Varqá). [BW13:341]
  • After seeing that the seals are intact, the Hands examine the contents of Shoghi Effendi's safe and desk. [BW13:341]
  • The nine Hands sign a document testifying that no Will or Testament of any nature executed by Shoghi Effendi has been found. This is reported to the entire body of Hands assembled in the Mansion of Bahjí. [BW13:341]
  • See CB378–9 for an explanation of why Shoghi Effendi left no Will.
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• 114 B.E.
• A.H.
• 25 November A.D. 1957
• A.M.
A proclamation is issued stating that Shoghi Effendi left no heir and made no appointment of another Guardian. [BW13:341–5; MC25–30]
  • See LOG310 for an explanation of the various meanings of the word ‘Guardianship'.
  • See CB388–9 for a discussion of the continuation of the institution of the Guardianship.
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• 114 B.E.
• A.H.
• 25 November A.D. 1957
• A.M.
Nine Hands are chosen to serve as Custodians of the Faith residing in the Holy Land. [BBD57; BW13:342; DH215]
  • The Hands residing in the Holy Land are established as a legal body under the title ‘The Custodians of the Bahá'í World Faith'.
  • The Hands chosen as first Custodians are Rúhíyyih K̲h̲ánum, Mason Remey, Amelia Collins, Leroy Ioas, Ḥasan Balyuzi, ‘Alí Akbar Furútan, Jalál Kházeh, Paul Haney and Adelbert Mühlschlegel. [BW13:345–6; MC40–1]
__________ __________
• 114 B.E.
• A.H.
• November A.D. 1957 / April 1963
• A.M.
The six year ministry of the Hands of the Cause residing in the Holy Land, or ‘Custodians'. [BW16:90; WG45–6]
  • This period is known as the ‘interregnum'. [BBD 120]
  • See BW14:467 for a summary of the work of the Hands of the Cause during this period.
  • The International Bahá'í Council continues to perform its duties at the World Centre under the direction of the Custodians. [BBD118]
  • See also The Ministry of The Custodians 1957–1963.
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• 114 B.E.
• A.H.
• December A.D. 1957
• A.M.
The first summer school in Malaysia is held at Malacca.
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• 114 B.E.
• A.H.
• 2 December A.D. 1957
• A.M.
On the advice of their lawyer, Dr Abraham Weinshall, the Custodians ask each National and Regional Assembly to send a letter recognizing them as the supreme body in the Cause. [MC40–1]
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• 114 B.E.
• A.H.
• 2 December A.D. 1957
• A.M.
The title to the Shrine of the Báb, the Mansion of Bahjí, and all other buildings and lands which the Covenant-Breakers had owned were transferred to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States.
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• 114 B.E.
• A.H.
• 25 December A.D. 1957
• A.M.
The Hands of the Cause announce the destruction of the long, two-storey house previously occupied by Covenant-breakers which was located near the garden wall of the Mansion of Bahá'u'lláh and of which Shoghi Effendi had acquired legal possession shortly before his passing. [MC11, 51]
  • The rubble is used to complete the terraces begun by Shoghi Effendi north of the mansion and completing the northern gardens planned by him.
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• 114 B.E.
• A.H.
• A.D. 1958
• A.M.
The first local spiritual assembly of Nepal is formed in Kathmandu.

Prof. Anil Sarwal says it was 1960-1961

The first Local Spiritual Assembly was established in the capital city Kathmandu in 1961. [Yellow Place]

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• 114 B.E.
• A.H.
• A.D. 1958
• A.M.
The first Aleut to become a Bahá'í, Vassa Lekanoff, enrols in Unalaska.
__________ __________
• 114 B.E.
• A.H.
• 1 January A.D. 1958
• A.M.
The passing of Lillian Stevens, a founding member of the first Torquay Spiritual Assembly in 1938.
__________ __________
• 114 B.E.
• A.H.
• 23 / 28 January A.D. 1958
• A.M.
The first Intercontinental Conference held at the mid-point of the Crusade convenes in Kampala, Uganda. [BW13:317]
  • Hand of the Cause Amatu'l-Bahá Rúhíyyih K̲h̲ánum, who had been designated by the Guardian as his representative, attends, accompanied by Dr Lutfu'lláh Hakím.
  • For the message of the Custodians to the conference see MC56–60.
  • For a report of the conference see BW13:317.
__________ __________
• 114 B.E.
• A.H.
• 26 January A.D. 1958
• A.M.
The foundation stone of the first Mashriqu'l-Adhkár of Africa is laid by Hands of the Cause Amatu'l-Bahá Rúhíyyih K̲h̲ánum and Músá Banání. [BW13:317]
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< The Guardianship 114 B.E. | 115 B.E. >
Most of the Gregorian Calendar dates, A.H. 1166 (A.D. 1753) to 153 B.E (A.D. 1996), are from the original book, A Basic Bahá'í Chronology. From 153 B.E (A.D. 1996) to present the Gregorian Calendar dates are from A Basic Bahá'í Chronology online. The Hebrew, Islamic and Bahá'í dates were calculated by the ABG staff and may be subject to error, despite the great care that was taken. When the Gregorian date is "In the year", "c. Mar 1797", etc., we list the nearest approximate Hebrew, Islamic and Bahá'í dates.
  • The dates in the left column do not always match the dates in the text. This is due to the plethora of calculations and calculators available. We use the calendar conversions from Calendar Home - Convert a date.
  • Continuous time periods, e.g., Monday thru Friday or June thru August, are annotated as Monday / Friday and June / August rather than Monday-Friday and June-August in all four calendars. This is to avoid confusion with Islamic days and months which contain a hyphen (or dash), e.g. Yawm ath-Thulatha', Jumadá al-akhirah.
  • Date Format = Day of the Week Name, Day of the Month Number, Month Name, Year Number -
  • c. = circa - meaning: "Around, round about, about. The prep. is often used in Eng. with dates, as circa 1400 (c 1400)." (Oxford English Dictionary)
  • Items with a greenish background are publications 
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© 156 - 181 B.E. (A.H. 1419 - 1445; A.D. 1999 - 2024; A.M. 5759 - 5784)
A Bahá'í Glossary