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Adamic Cycle Chronology - Islamic Era - A.H.1197
< A.H. 1192 | A.H. 1210 >
[ 1 Article ]
• c. A.H. 1197
• c. A.D.1783
• c. A.M. 5543
Birth of Mírzá 'Abbás-i-Irivání, later Prime Minister Ḥájí Mírzá Áqásí, in Máh-Kú.
[ABBC Online] [ABBC 2]
Ḥájí Mírzá Áqásí
Ḥájí Mírzá Áqásí
 [ Photo Credits ] [ Wikipedia - Hajj Mirza Aghasi ]
< A.H. 1192 | A.H. 1210 >
Most of the Gregorian Calendar dates, A.H. 1166 (A.D. 1753) to present, are from the original book, A Basic Bahá'í Chronology. The Hebrew, Islamic and Bahá'í dates were calculated by the ABG staff and may be subject to error, despite the great care that was taken. When the Gregorian date is "In the year", "c. Mar 1797", etc., we list the nearest approximate Hebrew, Islamic and Bahá'í dates.
  • The dates in the left column do not always match the dates in the text. This is due to the plethora of calcualtions and calculators available. We use the calendar conversions from Calendar Home - Convert a date.
  • Continuous time periods, e.g., Monday thru Friday or June thru August, are annotated as Monday / Friday and June / August rather than Monday-Friday and June-August in all four calendars. This is to avoid confusion with Islamic days and months which contain a hyphen (or dash), e.g. Yawm ath-Thulatha', Jumadá al-akhirah.
  • Date Format = Day of the Week Name, Day of the Month Number, Month Name, Year Number -
    • A.H. = Anno Hejirea - Latin: "In the year of the Hijra" - Muslim / Islamic Calendar.
    • A.D. = Anno Domini - Latin: "In the year of our Lord" - Christian / Julian Calendar.
    • A.M. = Anno Mundi - Latin: "In the year of the world"; Hebrew: "To the creation of the world" - Hebrew Calendar.
  • c. = circa - meaning: "Around, round about, about. The prep. is often used in Eng. with dates, as circa 1400 (c 1400)." (Oxford English Dictionary)
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© 156 - 181 B.E. (A.H. 1419 - 1446; A.D. 1999 - 2025; A.M. 5759 - 5785)
A Bahá'í Glossary