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Pronunciation: vaw-head
[Ar] Unity. Váḥid symbolizes the unity of God. The numerical value of the letters of this word is nineteen.
Each cycle of nineteen years in the Badí calendar.
Sections of the Persian Bayán. The Persian Bayán consists of nine Váḥids of nineteen chapters each, except for the last which has ten chapters.
[BD 233-4]
1. A "unity" or section in the Bayán. The Persian Bayán consists of nine Váḥids of nineteen chapters each, except the last, which has only ten chapters.
2. The 18 Letters of the Living, (constituting the Báb's first disciples) and the Báb Himself.
3. Each cycle of 19 years in the Badí calendar. The word, signifying unity, symbolizes the unity of God. The numerical values of the letters of this word total 19. (GPB 25, 29; SW 153).
[BG 53]
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A Bahá'í Glossary