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Bayán (Persian)
Pronunciation: buy-awn
Redirected from: Mother Book of the Bábí Dispensation
The Persian Bayán is the major doctrinal work of the Báb, which Shoghi Effendi has described as a 'monumental repository of the laws and precepts of the new Dispensation and the treasury enshrining most of the Báb's references and tributes to, as well as His warning regarding, "Him Whom God will make manifest"12 Revealed in the fortress of Máh-Kú, the Persian Bayán comprises some 8000 verses and is divided into nine sections called Váḥids, of nineteen chapters each, except for the last Váḥid which has ten chapters. The book, Shoghi Effendi has written, 'should be regarded primarily as a eulogy of the Promised One rather than a code of laws and ordinances designed to be a permanent guide to future generations.'13 In the third Váḥid the Báb specifically refers to the name of the Promised One and anticipates His World Order: 'Well is it with him who fixeth his gaze upon the Order of Bahá'u'lláh, and rendereth thanks unto his Lord. For He will assuredly be made manifest. God hath indeed irrevocably ordained it in the Bayán.'14 This statement, according to Shoghi Effendi, 'deserves to rank as one of the most significant statements recorded in any of the Báb's writings'.15
[BD 44-45]
Exposition; "The repository of the laws ordained by the Báb." (GPB 17). "Peerless among the doctrinal works of the Báb" (GPB 17). "Designedly severe....Drastic...." (Ibid.) Interspersed with "unnumbered passeges...in which He fixes the date of the promised Revelation...." (GPB 28). Title given by the Báb to His Revelation, particularly His Books.
[BG 12]
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A Bahá'í Glossary