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Pronunciation: sad-ra-tol-monta-haw
Redirected from: Blessed Tree; Divine Lote Tree; Lote Tree, Divine
[Ar] The 'Tree beyond which there is no passing'.4 Originally the tree which, in ancient times, the Arabs planted to mark the end of a road. In the Bahá'í Writings, a symbol of the Manifestation of God, the 'Tree beyond which neither men nor angels can pass'; specifically, Bahá'u'lláh. Sometimes called the Divine or Sacred Lote Tree. 'Twin Lote Trees': the Báb and Bahá'u'lláh.
[BD 200]
The Divine Lote Tree; the Tree beyond which there is no passing (i.e., the Manifestation of God). A title of Bahá'u'lláh (GPB 94). The Lote-tree of the extremity (Qur'án 53:8-18). The Sidrah-tree which marks the boundary. The zizyphus jujuba. Tree seen by Muḥammad in the 7th firmament during the mi'ráj.
[BG 43]
The name of a tree planted at the end of a road to serve as a guide; a symbol of a Manifestation.
[GWB 350]
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A Bahá'í Glossary