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First Bahá'í House of Worship - Continental
'Ishqábád, Turkistan, Russia, Asia (Now Turkmenistan)
Mother Temple of Asia & the Earth
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HOW_Continental_Asia_03The first Bahá'í House of Worship was constructed in the city of 'Ishqábád, then ruled by Russia, then by the Soviet Union and now the capital of Turkmenistan. [Construction] of the first Bahá'í House of Worship was started on Istiqlál 6 Qawl 59 B.E (Friday 28 November A.D. 1902), and was completed in 64 B.E. (A.D. 1908). The design was prepared by Ostad Alí-Akbar Banna, and the construction was supervised by Vakílu'd-Dawlih, who was later named as one of the nineteen Apostles of Bahá'u'lláh.
'Ishqábád is located in the desert plain of western Turkmenistan near the foothills of the Alborz Mountains. Under the protection and freedom given by the Russian authorities, the number of Bahá'ís there rose to over 1,000 and for the first time anywhere in the world a true Bahá'í community was established, with its own schools, medical facilities, cemetery, etc. Eventually the Bahá'ís in 'Ishqábád decided to build the institution of the spiritual and social heart of the Bahá'í community: the Mas̲h̲riqu'l-Ad̲h̲kár.
The House of Worship itself was surrounded by gardens. At the four corners of the garden were four buildings: a school, a hostel where travelling Bahá'ís were entertained, a small hospital, and a building for groundskeepers. The Bahá'ís lived as much as possible in proximity to the House of Worship. It was the centre of the community materially, as well as spiritually. The House of Worship in 'Ishqábád has been the only house of worship thus far to have the humanitarian subsidiaries associated with the institution built along side it.
After serving the community for two decades, the House of Worship was expropriated by the Soviet authorities in 85 B.E. (A.D. 1928) and leased back to the Bahá'ís. This lasted until Jalál 18 Sulṭán 94 B.E. (Saturday 5 February A.D. 1938), when it was fully secularized by the communist government and turned into an art gallery. A 1948 earthquake seriously damaged the building and rendered it unsafe; the heavy rains of the following years weakened the structure, and it was demolished in on Jamál 6 Asmá' 120 B.E. (Sunday 25 August A.D. 1963) and the site converted into a public park.
Bahaipedia - House of Worship ]
The Murder of a Baha’i and a Surprising Outcome
At first the Baha’i community continued in this new home in much the same fashion as they had in their native Iran. Most Baha’is didn’t actively distinguish themselves as Baha’is, and were still mixed with a generally hostile Iranian migrant community.
Things came to a head in 1889, when a prominent Baha’i, Hajji Muhammad Rida Isfahani, was murdered in broad daylight in the middle of the main bazaar. The murder had been planned as the first act in a series of attacks on Baha’is. But the actions of the Russian authorities had a remarkable outcome:

“The perpetrators made no effort to conceal their crime. They asserted that it was a purely religious affair between Iranians, and the Russian authorities need not be involved. They assumed that, as in Iran, the mere fact of proving that their victim was a Baha’i would be sufficient to justify their action. When they saw however that the Governor took no notice of this line of argument, those involved in the plot began to flee to Iran. Some seventy persons fled. Nine were arrested and brought to trial. A military tribunal, sent from St Petersburg, tried the case in November 1890. The judges instructed that the different religious communities sit separately in the court-room. This was the first occasion when many who had secretly been Baha’is openly identified themselves by where they sat. It was also the first occasion in Baha’i history when official recognition was given to the Baha’i Faith as a religion independent of Islam. The court found against the perpetrators of the crime…. The Baha’is were of course jubilant. It was the first time in the forty-five-year history of the Babi-Baha’i movement that an attack on one of their number had been dealt with justly. Baha’u’llah commended the Russian Government for its action. As the news spread throughout Iran it increased the surge of Baha’i immigrants…”

Bahá'í Blog |  M. Momen from The Baha’i Community of Ashkhabad; Its social basis and importance in Baha’i history (283)  ] 
Location of the First Bahá'í House of Worship - Continental
'Ishqábád, Turkistan, Russia, Asia (Now Turkmenistan)
Mother Temple of Asia & the Earth
Turkman-Turkish Friendship Park 'Ishqábád, Turkistan, Russia, Asia (Now Turkmenistan)
Site of the former First Bahá'í House of Worship
'Ishqábád, Turkistan, Russia, Asia
Mother Temple of Asia & the Earth
Turkman-Turkish Friendship Park 'Ishqábád, Turkistan, Russia, Asia (Now Turkmenistan)
Photo Credits ] [  Google Maps  | ABG  ]  
See also:
Photographs of the First Bahá'í House of Worship - Continental
'Ishqábád, Turkistan, Russia, Asia (Now Turkmenistan)
Mother Temple of Asia & the Earth
For photo source and copyright information, please click on the little camera [ Photo Credits ] below each image.
First Bahá'í House of Worship - Continental
'Ishqábád, Turkistan, Russia, Asia (Now Turkmenistan)
Mother Temple of Asia & the Earth - Photograph #1
Construction of the Continental Bahá’í House of Worship of Central Asia (Ashkhabad, Turkmenistan), 1900s
View Full Size Image #1 ] [ Photo Credits ] [ bahai.org ]      TOP   THUMBNAILS 
First Bahá'í House of Worship - Continental
'Ishqábád, Turkistan, Russia, Asia (Now Turkmenistan)
Mother Temple of Asia & the Earth - Photograph #2
Ishkabad, The first Bahá'í House of Worship
Photo Credits ] [ Wikipedia ]      TOP    THUMBNAILS 
First Bahá'í House of Worship - Continental
'Ishqábád, Turkistan, Russia, Asia (Now Turkmenistan)
Mother Temple of Asia & the Earth - Photograph #3
?Ishq?b?d, Turkmenistan. The first Mashriqu’l-Adhkár was constructed at the beginning of the twentieth century in the city of ‘Ishqábád, which is today the capital of Turkmenistan. The structure was confiscated by Soviet authorities in 1938 and later demolished after being irreparably damaged in an earthquake.
Photo Credits ] [ bahai.org ]      TOP    THUMBNAILS 
First Bahá'í House of Worship - Continental
'Ishqábád, Turkistan, Russia, Asia (Now Turkmenistan)
Mother Temple of Asia & the Earth - Photograph #4
Continental Bahá’í House of Worship of Central Asia (Ashkhabad, Turkmenistan), early 1930s
[ View Full Size Image #4 ] [ Photo Credits ] [ bahai.org ]      TOP    THUMBNAILS 
First Bahá'í House of Worship - Continental
'Ishqábád, Turkistan, Russia, Asia (Now Turkmenistan)
Mother Temple of Asia & the Earth - Photograph #5
?Ishq?b?d, Turkmenistan. The first Mashriqu’l-Adhkár was constructed at the beginning of the twentieth century in the city of ‘Ishqábád, which is today the capital of Turkmenistan. The structure was confiscated by Soviet authorities in 1938 and later demolished after being irreparably damaged in an earthquake.
Photo Credits ] [ bahai.org ]      TOP    THUMBNAILS 
First Bahá'í House of Worship - Continental
'Ishqábád, Turkistan, Russia, Asia (Now Turkmenistan)
Mother Temple of Asia & the Earth - Photograph #6
Continental Bahá’í House of Worship of Central Asia (Ashkhabad, Turkmenistan), early 1900s
[ View Full Size Image #6 ] [ Photo Credits ] [ bahai.org ]      TOP    THUMBNAILS 
First Bahá'í House of Worship - Continental
'Ishqábád, Turkistan, Russia, Asia (Now Turkmenistan)
Mother Temple of Asia & the Earth - Photograph #7
Interior of the Continental Bahá’í House of Worship of Central Asia (Ashkhabad, Turkmenistan), early 1930s
[ View Full Size Image #7 ] [ Photo Credits ] [ bahai.org ]      TOP    THUMBNAILS 
First Bahá'í House of Worship - Continental
'Ishqábád, Turkistan, Russia, Asia (Now Turkmenistan)
Mother Temple of Asia & the Earth - Photograph #8
Interior of the Continental Bahá’í House of Worship of Central Asia (Ashkhabad, Turkmenistan), early 1930s
[ View Full Size Image #8 ] [ Photo Credits ] [ bahai.org ]      TOP    THUMBNAILS 
First Bahá'í House of Worship - Continental
'Ishqábád, Turkistan, Russia, Asia (Now Turkmenistan)
Mother Temple of Asia & the Earth - Photograph #9
Interior of the Continental Bahá’í House of Worship of Central Asia (Ashkhabad, Turkmenistan), early 1900s
[ View Full Size Image #9 ] [ Photo Credits ] [ bahai.org ]      TOP    THUMBNAILS 
First Bahá'í House of Worship - Continental
'Ishqábád, Turkistan, Russia, Asia (Now Turkmenistan)
Mother Temple of Asia & the Earth - Photograph #10
Interior of the Continental Bahá’í House of Worship of Central Asia (Ashkhabad, Turkmenistan), early 1900s
[ View Full Size Image #10 ] [ Photo Credits ] [ bahai.org ]      TOP    THUMBNAILS 
First Bahá'í House of Worship - Continental
'Ishqábád, Turkistan, Russia, Asia (Now Turkmenistan)
Mother Temple of Asia & the Earth - Photograph #11
Interior of the Continental Bahá’í House of Worship of Central Asia (Ashkhabad, Turkmenistan), early 1900s
[ View Full Size Image #11 ] [ Photo Credits ] [ bahai.org ]      TOP    THUMBNAILS 
First Bahá'í House of Worship - Continental
'Ishqábád, Turkistan, Russia, Asia (Now Turkmenistan)
Mother Temple of Asia & the Earth - Photograph #12
View of the interior dome of the Continental Bahá’í House of Worship of Central Asia (Ashkhabad, Turkmenistan), early 1900s
[ View Full Size Image #12 ] [ Photo Credits ] [ bahai.org ]      TOP    THUMBNAILS 
First Bahá'í House of Worship - Continental
'Ishqábád, Turkistan, Russia, Asia (Now Turkmenistan)
Mother Temple of Asia & the Earth - Photograph #13
Google Maps close view of Turkmen-Turkish Friendship Park from an image captured on 29 March 2023.
Found on a search for Bahá'í House of Worship, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
[ View Full Size Image #13 ] [ Photo Credits ] [ Google Maps ]      TOP    THUMBNAILS 
First Bahá'í House of Worship - Continental
'Ishqábád, Turkistan, Russia, Asia (Now Turkmenistan)
Mother Temple of Asia & the Earth - Photograph #14
Google Maps close view of Turkmen-Turkish Friendship Park from an image captured on 31 January 2024.
Found on a search for Turkmen-Turkish Friendship Park
[ View Full Size Image #14 ] [ Photo Credits ] [ Google Maps ]      TOP    THUMBNAILS 
First Bahá'í House of Worship - Continental
'Ishqábád, Turkistan, Russia, Asia (Now Turkmenistan)
Mother Temple of Asia & the Earth - Photograph #15
Google Maps medium view of Turkmen-Turkish Friendship Park from an image captured on 31 January 2024.
Found on a search for Turkmen-Turkish Friendship Park
[ View Full Size Image #15 ] [ Photo Credits ] [ Google Maps ]      TOP    THUMBNAILS 
First Bahá'í House of Worship - Continental
'Ishqábád, Turkistan, Russia, Asia (Now Turkmenistan)
Mother Temple of Asia & the Earth - Photograph #16
Google Maps wide view of Turkmen-Turkish Friendship Park from an image captured on 29 March 2023.
[ View Full Size Image #16 ] [ Photo Credits ] [ Google Maps ]      TOP    THUMBNAILS 
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© 156 - 181 B.E. (A.H. 1419 - 1445; A.D. 1999 - 2024; A.M. 5759 - 5784)
A Bahá'í Glossary