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Harmony of Science and Religion
A fundamental principle of Bahá'í social teaching. 'Abdu'l-Bahá explained: '. . . Religion and science are in complete agreement. Every religion which is not in accordance with established science is superstition. Religion must be reasonable. If it does not square with reason, it is superstition and without foundation. It is like a mirage, which deceives man by leading him to think it is a body of water. God has endowed man with reason that he may perceive what is true. If we insist that such and such a subject is not to be reasoned out and tested according to the established logical modes of the intellect, what is the use of the reason which God has given man?'8
[BD 203-4]
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© 156 - 181 B.E. (A.D. 1999 - 2024; A.H. 1419 - 1445; A.M. 5759 - 5784)
A Bahá'í Glossary