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Adamic Cycle Chronology - Judaic Era - A.M. 1
< Previous Year | A.M. 75 >
[ 3 Articles ]
 Yom Rishon 1 Tishri A.M. 1
 Sunday 7 October 3761 B.C.E.
Israel's official calendar is the Hebrew one. According to Jewish counting, on September 24, 2014, we entered the Year 5775, that is - the supposed 5775th year since the world was created on Saturday night, October 6, 3761 BCE. N1
  In the Hebrew Calendar the day begins at sunset. Hence, Saturday night, October 6, 3761 BCE and Sunday day, October 7, 3761 BCE are one and the same.
  [Haaretz]  [ABG]
__________ __________
 Yom Chamishi 1 Nisan A.M. 1
 Thursday 3 April 3760 B.C.E.
Birth or Declaration of Adam.
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 Yom Chamishi 1 Nisan A.M. 1
 Thursday 3 April 3760 B.C.E.
Beginning of the Hebrew Calendar annotated as A.M. from Anno Mundi - Latin: "in the year of the world"; Hebrew: "to the creation of the world".
  [Haaretz]  [ABG]
See also:
< Previous Year | A.M. 75 >
  • The dates in the left column do not always match the dates in the text. This is due to the plethora of calcualtions and calculators available. We use the calendar conversions from Calendar Home - Convert a date.
  • Date Format = Day of the Week Name, Day of the Month Number, Month Name, Year Number -
    • A.M. = Anno Mundi - Latin: "In the year of the world"; Hebrew: "To the creation of the world" - Hebrew Calendar.
    • B.C.E. = Before Christian Era or before A.D. in the Julian Calendar.
  • c. = circa - meaning: "Around, round about, about. The prep. is often used in Eng. with dates, as circa 1400 (c 1400)." (Oxford English Dictionary)
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© 156 - 181 B.E. (A.H. 1419 - 1445; A.D. 1999 - 2024; A.M. 5759 - 5784)
A Bahá'í Glossary