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Adamic Cycle Chronology - Judaic Era - A.M. 337
< A.M. 261 | A.M. 533 >
[ 1 Article ]
• A.M. 337
• 3425 B.C.E
Ascension of Noah at age 76 years 9 months.
  This date is based on a hypothesis of the webmaster that Noah did not live 950 solar years, but rather 950 lunar cycles. This hypothesis is in no way based on fact! It is not in Bahá'í Scripture. It is merely one person's supposition, nothing more. Although, see below.
  [Wikipedia - Noah] [ABG]
  #1659. The years of Noah are not Years as we count them and we cannot Substantiate Stories of the Old Testament
  "The years of Noah are not years as we count them, and as our teachings do not state that this reference to year means His dispensation we cannot interpret it this way."
  (From a letter written on behalf of the Guardian to an individual believer, November 25, 1950)
[Lights of Guidance, p. 494]
See also:
< A.M. 261 | A.M. 533 >
  • The dates in the left column do not always match the dates in the text. This is due to the plethora of calcualtions and calculators available. We use the calendar conversions from Calendar Home - Convert a date.
  • Date Format = Day of the Week Name, Day of the Month Number, Month Name, Year Number -
    • A.M. = Anno Mundi - Latin: "In the year of the world"; Hebrew: "To the creation of the world" - Hebrew Calendar.
    • B.C.E. = Before Christian Era or before A.D. in the Julian Calendar.
  • c. = circa - meaning: "Around, round about, about. The prep. is often used in Eng. with dates, as circa 1400 (c 1400)." (Oxford English Dictionary)
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A Bahá'í Glossary