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Appellations of Medina
Ancient name of Medina was Yat̲h̲rib. When Muḥammad arrived in A.D. 622, He renamed it Madīnat an-Nabī or the city of the prophet. Below are other names attributed to the second most holy city in Islam.
If you know of other translations, appellations of Medina which are not listed, please submit them to the webmaster at: abahaiglossary@gmail.com.
Appellations Meaning Ref
al-Madīnah Arabic: المدينة, meaning "the city"  1 
al-Madínah al-Munawwarah Arabic: المدينة المنورة meaning "the enlightened city" or "the radiant city"  1 
Al-Madínat(u) 'l-Munawwarah Arabic: المدينة المنورة meaning "the enlightened city" or "the radiant city"  1 
City of the Prophet Madínat(u) 'n-Nabiy  1 
Madínat(u) 'n-Nabiy City of the Prophet  1 
Madinatun Nabi City of the Prophet  1 
the enlightened city Al-Madínat(u) 'l-Munawwarah  1 
the radiant city Al-Madínat(u) 'l-Munawwarah  1 
Yat̲h̲rib Arabic: يثرب - the name of the city before Muḥammad changed it to Medina  2 
See also:  
1. Wikipedia - Medina
2. BG54
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A Bahá'í Glossary