A Bahá'í Glossary
 A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z 
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 Diacritic Guide      Houses of Worship      Numbers      Pronunciation Guide      Site Map 
Feckless Statistics
Inasmuch as these statistics are to give a general idea of the contents of this site, this page is not updated daily. We prefer to keep adding definitions and chronology events rather than keep this page current.
Please do not try to add things up. These numbers are close, but probably not accurate. Pages are being edited daily and new pages are being added. We only update this when we are tired of proofreading. It does give a general view of why it is taking so long to finish the site.
Term Count
Total term pages = 2049. Unique terms = 1783. This chart is the most up to date section on this page. All stats are changing regularly, but this page is only updated occasionally.
Last Updated: 5 Bahá 177 B.E. (25 March A.D. 2020)
that are
to be
A 123 123 0 55 429
APPELLATIONS 60 60 0 5 0
B 81 81 0 59 107
C 38 38 0 39 31
CALENDARS 207 127 0 15 0
CHRONOLOGY 273 118 155 0 0
D 42 42 0 26 45
DIACRITICS 1 1 0 0 0
E 15 15 0 12 38
F 36 35 1 10 37
G 31 31 0 39 115
H 75 75 0 24 157
Houses of Worship 24 15 16 0 0
I 82 82 0 15 87
J 27 27 0 7 44
K 67 67 0 17 38
L 51 51 0 10 53
LARGE IMAGES 165 165 0 0 0
M 149 149 0 46 134
N 37 37 0 11 23
NUMBERS 23 17 6 0 0
O 6 6 0 2 25
P 36 36 0 27 68
Photo Credits 48 48 0 0 0
Q 29 29 0 3 5
R 31 31 0 11 34
S 152 152 0 47 114
T 48 48 0 30 178
U 25 25 0 6 16
V 16 16 0 9 18
W 18 18 0 11 118
X 0 0 0 1 0
Y 9 9 0 7 14
Z 18 18 0 3 8


1690 178 547 2092










All Pages

(does NOT include NEW TERMS)
Pages NOT made

(not in Indices)
* (NOT in totals)
Appellation Count
These stats are the most incorrect. Total count = 3397. Unique Appellations = 2658. There are redundancies, e.g., all the entries in God-God, God-Language and God-The are also in the other God pages. God Appellations = 2232, People Appellations = 909, Places Appellations = 256.
Last Updated: 6 Bahá 177 B.E. (26 March A.D. 2020)
  • 'Abdu'l-Bahá = 39
  • Abraham = 11
  • Adam = 10
  • Adrianople = 33
  • Akká = 37
  • Báb = 75
  • Bag̲h̲dád = 13
  • Bahá'u'lláh = 111
  • Bahíyyih K̲h̲ánum = 9
  • Buddha = 10
  • Constantinople = 69
  • God - A = 252
  • God - B = 47
  • God - C = 36
  • God - D = 36
  • God - E = 55
  • God - F = 40
  • God - G = 133
  • God - God = 227
  • God - H = 134
  • God - I = 73
  • God - J = 29
  • God - K = 34
  • God - L = 89
  • God - Language = 230
  • God - M = 116
  • God - N = 19
  • God - O = 34
  • God - P = 45
  • God - Q = 3
  • God - R = 43
  • God - S = 92
  • God - Script = 16
  • God - T = 68
  • God - The = 266
  • God - U = 17
  • God - V = 8
  • God - W = 77
  • God - X = 2
  • God - Y = 7
  • God - Z = 4
  • Haifa = 25
  • Jerusalem = 15
  • Jesus = 187
  • Krishna = 343
  • Mecca = 17
  • Medina = 9
  • Moses = 19
  • Mount Carmel = 22
  • Muḥammad = 32
  • Mullá Ḥusayn = 9
  • Navvab = 11
  • Noah = 8
  • Quddus = 7
  • Shariz = 7
  • Shoghi Effendi = 13
  • Tabriz = 5
  • Ṭáhirih = 11
  • Ṭihrán = 4
  • Zarathustra = 4
Site Stats
The webmaster doesn't update this section very often. Please do not try to add things up. These numbers are close, but probably not accurate. Pages are being edited daily and new pages are being added. We only update this when we are tired of proofreading. It does give a general view of why it is taking so long to finish the site.
Last Updated: 5 Bahá 177 B.E. (25 March A.D. 2020)
Term Pages: 1,294 Contain a description of a term
Accessory Files: 94 css, js, templates, etc.
Appellation Pages: 60 Contain 2 to 240 appellations per page. Total 3111
Auxiliary Pages: 8 Home, About, Contact, Site Map, Diacritic Guide, Pronunciation Guide, this stupid statistic page & Page Not Made page.
Bibliography Pages: 6 Lists major resources
Calendar Pages: 147 Conglomeration of dated material
Chronology Pages: 273 Contain 1 to 180 events per page. Total events 4277
Downloadable Files: 28 Files to be downloaded from various places in site
Image Files: 921 375 unique images. All images that appear in site (images wider than 800px are displayed in a large image page while a copy is reduced to 800px for the main pages. Also each image has a copy 100px thumbnail for the PhotoCredits pages. Hence 921 total images.
Indices: 33 Accesses from main menu - List all pages available in site
Large Image Pages: 165 Display images too large to fit in a normal page.
Photo Credit Pages: 48 Contain the location, description, sources and copyright information of all the photographs and Images in this site.
Total files: 3,077 in 225 dir
  1783 740 3775
NEW Terms: 429 Pages NOT made, terms not defined, not Spell Checked, not Cross Linked, not Proofread, and not in the page made count. They are just a list in a spreadsheet.
Some Questions Answered  150 Questions online - More written each week.
Terms Redirected: 2,504 Not all terms have their own page. Many of the Names, Appellations and/or Attributes of God, Manifestations and Places are only listed in the indices and appear in the Appellations Pages.
Site links   Last Updated: 5 Bahá 177 B.E. (25 March A.D. 2020)
Total links in site: 269,733  
Total Links in Menus: 132,845 Top & bottom of each page, ALL TERMS Page, Appellations pages, etc.
Total Term Links In Indices:


There is some redundancy, e.g. Thornton Chase & Chase, Thornton.
Total Cross Reference links in text:


Total minus Menus minus Indices
Links OK: 229,424 They work. Some links may still go to the wrong page. This just means you will not get a "Page Not Found" error. We believe we have checked all the links in all the pages, however, mistakes are possible. IF you click on a link and it goes to the wrong page, please let us know so we can fix it. We will need to know the page the bad link is on and bad link name. Thanx. abahaiglossary@gmail.com
External Links: 14,785 go to offsite references
Broken Links: 0


Anchors: 3,607 There will be over 19,500 anchors when all the chronology files are finished
HTML Files: 2,015  
Term Pages: 1,294 Pages on which a term is defined
Chronology Pages: 272 a year of Chronological events is listed.
CSS Files: 1 Cascading Style Sheet - controls text and link colors and other page behavior.
Images: 888 see above
JS Files: 56 JavaScript - Calculates the Bahá'í Date & statcounter and other cool stuff.
Templates 48 Used to build the display pages
Total Files: 2,945  
Number of People Who Care
About These Statistics:
0 naught, żero, zilch, nil, нуля, cipher, nix, صفر, nobody, Nulta, nol, zero, nula, ноль, nul, نقطه صفر, sero, nolla, zéro, cero, null, μηδέν, zewo, Sifiri ne, אפס, sifar, nulis, náid, nulle, núll, נול, sıfır, ศูนย์, nič. aught, cipher, cypher, donut, goose egg, love, nada, naught, nil, none, nought, nowt, null, ought, oh, squat, zed, zilch, zip, zippo
Feckless means 1. Weak, Ineffective. 2. Worthless, Irresponsible.
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Last Update:  
© 156 - 181 B.E. (A.D. 1999 - 2024; A.H. 1419 - 1445; A.M. 5759 - 5784)
A Bahá'í Glossary