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Unity of God
The concept that there is only one God, without peer or likeness: 'It is clearly established and evident to thee that the divine Essence is highly exalted above all comparison and likeness and that His inmost Reality is sanctified from any peer or partner. This is the station of true unity and of veritable singleness.'9
'He is the true believer in Divine unity who, far from confusing duality with oneness, refuseth to allow any notion of multiplicity to becloud his conception of the singleness of God, who will regard the Divine being as One Who, by His very nature, transcendeth the limitations of numbers. The essence of belief in Divine unity consisteth in regarding Him Who is the Manifestation of God and Him Who is the invisible, the inaccessible, the unknowable Essence as one and the same. By this is meant that whatever pertaineth to the former, all His acts and doings, whatever He ordaineth or forbiddeth, should be considered, in all their aspects, and under all circumstances, and without any reservation, as identical with the Will of God Himself. This is the loftiest station to which a true believer in the unity of God can ever hope to attain.'10
[BD 231]
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A Bahá'í Glossary